Immigration Hypocrisy

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The Democrats led by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been adamant that there is no problem worth their time at our southern border with Mexico.  They have flat out refused to acknowledge a problem exists despite statistics that show an increasing flood of illegals being apprehended.

There are more and more stories appearing in the media about the other criminal activities of those who try to cross the border illegally.  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Wednesday that young female migrants traveling north to the United States are raped with such regularity that Immigration and Customs Enforcement gives every girl age 10 and over a pregnancy test after arriving.  Human trafficking arrests have tripled in the last two years.

The Democrats won’t consider allowing the top people in ICE to testify as to what a wall might do or what other measures might be appropriate.  They won’t allocate money to stop this flood.  In fact, they want to limit ICE’s ability to protect us from the criminal elements in this flood of illegal aliens.


The video below demonstrates the hypocrisy of the Democrats.   Today the Democratic leadership is opposed to the stopping of illegal immigration.  They do this to placate the extremists on the Democratic left.  These extremists want to tear down our country and change it from being a republic to one where the government decides what people can say and think.

This is Chuck Schumer nine years ago. Schumer says illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.  Take two minutes and watch this. It really happened in 2009 at Georgetown Law School.

When will the Democrats come to their senses?