Democrats Revise History

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The term historical revisionism indicates the re-interpretation of the historical record. It usually means challenging the accepted view by introducing contrary evidence. The revision of the historical record can reflect new discoveries of fact, evidence, and interpretation, which then lead to a revised history. In America we have often looked back, particularly after wars, to understand and to learn.  This has often led to revisions of what we understood to be the facts at the time.  This is good since it helps us to be better in the future.

However, sometimes a group finds that it needs to minimize or erase entirely some aspects of their past history.  This often occurs when the events of the past cast a bad light on the current group.

One such example is the incident in China in 1989 known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  This event, which led to the deaths of some 10,000 people, has been erased from Chinese history books in their schools.  The Chinese government wants all knowledge of this incident to be erased from the public’s mind in China.  The knowledge of what happened is currently passed on only by word of mouth in China.

The gentleman in the video below talks about historical revisionism as practiced by the Democratic Party.  In particular, he points out the “not one single whisper of scandal” statement by Joe Biden, as being an egregious example of revising history from something that is true to something that is an outright lie.  Along the way he draws comparisons to the Nazis of the 1930’s.