Clown Show

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Tuesday’s clown show in the House of Representatives shows just how far off the rails the Democratic Party has gone.  After Speaker Pelosi had been ruled out of order by the House Parliamentarian for referring to PDJT as racist, the Democrats restored her speaking privileges showing that they do not believe that they have to follow the rules.

Then they passed a resolution condemning PDJT’s “racist” tweet from Sunday. By noon time on Tuesday MSNBC had used the word racist referring to PDJT 636 times.  This does not count the moving messages that run at the bottom of the screen.  CNN had done so more than 400 times.

PDJT’s tweet is reproduced below;

How in the world is this a racist tweet?  It’s simply not true.  He never once mentions race or ethnicity.   This is just flat out lying.  Apparently one can no longer say anything negative about the “Communist Four.”  Of course, the transformation of the Democratic Party into a group who believe that only they know what’s best for the country is at the core of this issue. If you do not agree with them, you are a deplorable.  You are not fit to be associated with normal human beings.

In this case, because PDJT attacked Congress persons who happen to be people of color, the Democrats have fallen back on an old standby, the race card. One has to be very creative to find a way to locate racism in this tweet.  No sane person would find such a thing.  Only those who have been brainwashed would agree that this is racist.

This tactic was used over and over when Obama was President.  If one disagreed with his policy prescriptions, one must be a racist.  Why? Because the Democrats knew they would have a difficult time succeeding in the marketplace of ideas.  They needed to shame people into silence so that there would be no objections raised to their ridiculous ideas.

Racism, in this discussion, is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the absolutely abhorrent and repugnant ideas put forward by these people.  They want to destroy and fundamentally transform America into a country where they live at the top and live off the efforts of others.

Pelosi may like this idea.  However, she knows the American electorate. Pelosi knows the public is not ready to accept America becoming a communist country like the old Soviet Union or like current Venezuela.  Trying to legislate on a platform of being “ashamed” of our country, a country that rescued you from a hellhole, is not playing well across the country.

Ilhan Omar, who has a recognition factor of 54% boasts a 9% approval rating, according to a recent poll.  AOC, the second most well known Democrat in Congress (over 70% recognition) has an approval rating of just 20%.  Pelosi is trying desperately to divert attention from these individuals. This is what is behind her ridiculous resolution that PDJT’s tweet was racist.

This is the face of the modern Democratic Party.