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The media is running with the Democratic storyline that the Democrats just want to govern and provide a good country for their fellow Americans.  They really do not want to impeach the President but that PDJT has left them little choice.  Hogwash!

The Democrats and the media have been colluding to overthrow the Trump administration since before PDJT was inaugurated.  As PDJT said on Tuesdsay, this is nothing short of an attempted coup.

Newsbusters has produced a video montage of just a few of the times that the media and the Democrats have been pushing impeachment.  This is all part of a concerted effort to overthrow the government of the United States.  That certainly meets the definition of a coup.  It starts in November of 2016.  This montage is the proverbial tip of the iceberg.  The “I” word has never been far from appearing.  This needs to be shared far and wide.


The media and the Democrats do not care about America or its people.  As PDJT said back in October, 2016,

“The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exist for only one reason:  to protect and enrich itself.”

This is a historic battle for the freedoms and liberties as envisioned by our founding fathers or enslavement by Democratic and media masters.

Franklin Graham is calling on the nation to pray for Democrats in Washington to have a change of heart, to move away from the path they are on.

“The socialist Democrats’ message to the United States of America is: 1. We’re going to take your guns, and 2. We’re going to impeach your president.”

Graham went on to say,

“Pray that God would change the hearts of Democratic leaders in Washington and that they would see the dangerous road that we’re on.”

Some divine assistance certainly wouldn’t hurt right now.