Impeachment Circus Continues

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The Democrats stoop to a new low during the impeachment circus going on in Washington currently led by Chairman Nadler who once again seems to be in over his head.  Who is picking these “witnesses” for the Democrats?  Where are the adults in the Democratic Party?

Professor Pamela Karlan from the Stanford Law School was invited by the Democrats to provide “objective and fair analysis” at today’s impeachment hearing.  This is the same professor who once explained how she had to cross the street rather than simply walk past the front of a Trump hotel.

The professor ridiculed Barron Trump, the President’s son, in an apparent attempt to curry favor with the TDS-addled crowd.  Even her Democratic questioner was uncomfortable with her statement drawing Barron Trump into the impeachment circus as she quickly moved on.  The professor’s hate-filled ridicule of the President’s son destroyed her credibility as well as others sitting at the witness tables. This video will live in infamy.

This was stunning in its stupidity.  It was a glimpse into the contempt these progressive types have for ordinary Americans.  Let us remember that the Democrats had a six-hour, dress rehearsal for this hearing.

In the future scholars looking back will see, with her one comment, with her singular outburst of rage, hatred and pettiness, the entire theatre of the absurd that these hearings are.  Professor Karlan has demonstrated once again the true nature of this group of TDS hypocrites.

This despicable, rehearsed jab at PDJT through his son exposes the haters and swamp people in academia–and that is a good thing.  All the masks are coming off and the ugliness behind them is on full display.

There are some things that you just do not do.  It is never a good idea to mess with their cubs.

Undoubtedly this will be considered “hate speech” by the TDS crowd.  If the President weighed in, the Left would call it witness tampering.  Probably best left to the First Lady to handle.