Bombs Away!

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The Democrats continue to move forward with their corrupt attempt to impeach President Trump.  At this point more than half of America knows that the charges are baseless.  One has to ask why would they continue down this road?

The fact is that they need a smokescreen to distract Americans from their attempts to rig the 2016 election as has been exposed in IG Horowitz’s report.  US Attorney Durham has a criminal investigation underway into this matter.  The Democrats cannot afford to have Americans learn how truly corrupt they are.  Thus the distraction of a fake impeachment process.

They need the smokescreen for another reason as well.  The deeper people look into the Ukrainian “affluence” operation, the more the Democrats are exposed (and perhaps some Republicans as well).  Rudy Giuliani, the former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is back from the Ukraine.  He went on Laura Ingraham’s show and spoke of two money-laundering operations that went on through the Obama administration.


We thought we would ask you personally, Rudy, what is your reaction to those critics who say, oh, my gosh, Rudy has to stop while he’s behind. They don’t even say ahead. Rudy, they are so critic of the old.


I don’t know. Maybe they don’t believe there was, in fact, substantial corruption in Ukraine that went on for years. And that the president of the United States when he asked for an investigation was doing his duty as the president of the United States. Maybe they buy into some form of the Democratic criticism.

But what I uncovered there are two major schemes, one for $7.5 billion, the other for $5 billion in money laundering that went on through the Obama Administration. Part of it involves Joe Biden, the bribery part.  It’s a disgrace that he ‘s not under investigation in America, maybe because law enforcement is too afraid.

But the reality is it is a complete defense for the president. The president of the United States was asking the president of Ukraine to investigate, he was asking to investigate crimes at the highest levels from both governments that the president of Ukraine referred to as we, meaning a joint problem. So he is being impeached for doing the right thing as president of the United States. Nothing to be defensive about.

Please note the amounts that Giuliani spoke of, $7.5 billion and $5 billion.  And Rudy is stating he has evidence that implicates individuals at the highest levels of government.  Giuliani is going after the corrupt in DC with the same intensity that he went after the mafia in NY.

Again the question has to be asked, where did the money come from?  How much of this is US taxpayer money that corrupt officials within the Obama administration were laundering for their own personal benefit?  Where are the investigative reporters of the big media outlets who should be looking into this?  Oh, that’s right.  I forgot.  They work for the Democrats.

Americans must demand accountability.  Americans must demand presentation of the evidence at the appropriate time in the form of indictments and prosecution.  The Democrats must be exposed for the traitors and criminals that they are.

Complete interview: