The Real Goal

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As the impeachment hoax wallows on, It is important to remember the real end that the Democrats have in mind.  Of course, they want to destroy PDJT and his family.  They have said that many times.  Over and over they have said that the election of someone like PDJT must never happen again.  They have been supported in this by big time social media companies.

However, that is not the end they have in mind.  Nancy Pelosi said it herself a few months back. “The House is the superior  branch of government.”  The Democrats want to control all branches of government.  They want to shred the Constitution and to make the Executive and Judicial branches inferior to the Legislative branch via the threat of impeachment whenever they decide to go that course.

In the end that would mean they would come after any of us who would dare to disagree with them.  They want to turn the country into a totalitarian one with them at the top of the food chain.

The fourteen words below sum this up very well.