U-S-A, U-S-A

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The crowd went bonkers and erupted into cheers and chants of “U-S-A, U-S-A” and “Four more years” as President Trump and First Lady Melania were introduced during the College Football Championship game between Clemson and LSU in the New Orleans Superdome on Monday night.

Clearly football fans are part of the deplorables who are so hated by the Democratic Party.  Either that or there were a “lot of Russians” in the audience since no real American would ever cheer for an “impeached” President.  Right, Speaker Pelosi?

Was this a snapshot of America nine and a half months before Election Day?  This was the largest Trump rally yet. This was the loudest the dome got all night.  These people haven’t fallen for that leftist BS.

President Trump is an amazing man. He is one of those people you meet once or twice in a lifetime. He has a plan, a job to do, and nothing will distract him. There can be all kinds of havoc around him and yet, he remains completely focused on the task at hand.

President Trump is a  man of purpose, who lets nothing distract him as he keeps moving forward.  People like this are incredible to be around.

Back in 2016 President Trump said he would be our voice.  He continues to be that today.

Let us be his voice as this idiocy of an impeachment moves forward.

Dear Lord, please bless and protect President Trump, his beautiful family, and guide us to restore our sanity and ethics to every function of our government, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, I pray.