Do The Democrats Hate Christianity?

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Without a doubt Christianity is under siege in America.  Ridicule of Christianity has become mainstream acceptable behavior.  From Obama’s “bitter clingers” statement during one of his campaign stops to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” quote that was clearly aimed at evangelical Christians, elite Democrats have been denigrating Christianity in this country for a long time.

Christian beliefs in the sanctity of life, free will, and biblical virtues are scorned and ridiculed.  People who believe in the Bible have been frequently likened to ISIS. People on the Left charge such people with wanting to impose a totalitarian theocracy on the country.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

The long-term goal of such activity is to remove the idea of inalienable rights bestowed by our Creator from American thinking.  If the Left can achieve this, then all rights are bequeathed by the government and none are inalienable.  The government can take away those rights if it so desires.  If the Left achieves this objective, then the moral underpinnings of America will be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi, a supposed Catholic, had an opportunity to call out the evilness of this on Thursday.   The House speaker spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast where she prayed for those who are persecuted because of their religion.  Pelosi prayed for Jews and Muslims, Uighurs and Buddhists.  She prayed for religious leaders who have been imprisoned and killed.  However, Pelosi never mentioned the number 1 group of people who are persecuted for their religious beliefs, Christians.

Christians are severely persecuted around the world for their beliefs.  Mary Olohan reports,

A 2019 report ordered by former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt noted,

Nancy Pelosi, as a leader of the Democratic Party, had an opportunity to demonstrate America’s awareness of these issues and to stand up for religious freedom, in particular, the religious freedom of Christians.  Pelosi claims to be a prayerful woman.  Why no mention of Christianity?