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The anti-religious nature of the left was exposed by then Senator Obama during his 2008 campaign when he referred to many in middle America as “bitter clingers.”  In those days it was directed at people who were Christian, who believed in Jesus Christ and the Bible.  During his Presidency President Obama occasionally spoke of “the right to worship” but consistently moved against the free exercise of religion by Christians as defined in our Bill of Rights.

Perhaps the most glaring examples of this were the efforts by the Obama administration to force medical personnel to participate in the murdering of unborn children against their conscience.  After the passage of Obamacare the Obama DOJ took several organizations to court to force them to fund coverage for such atrocities.

Once again, the bigotry of the Democrats towards people who believe in Jesus Christ raised its ugly head last week.  PDJT has tasked VP Mike Pence to lead a task force on combatting the coronavirus (COVID-19) in this country.  Pence held a meeting in the situation room at the White House that was reported to be quite productive.  A picture emerged from the meeting showing the members of the task force with their heads bowed in prayer asking for God’s help at the start of the meeting.

Those on the Left immediately went off the deep end.  They mocked the idea of asking God for guidance in their deliberations.  They tried to make it seem like asking for some guidance is a complete waste of time and proves that these people of the task force are incompetent.

When faced with hard choices or tough issues, many Americans pray.  Religious people pray for guidance all the time. It’s not as though they pray and just walk away thinking that is all that needs to be done.

The intolerance of the left is insightful.  To portray people who lean on their Christian faith in tough times as lessors exposes the absolute bigotry of the Left towards Christians.  It exposes the fact that the anti-religious Left believes that they are above those who would pray for help.

Another example of the complete lack of understanding of Christianity by the Left.

When Pence was tasked to lead this fight, the usual round of “anti-science” comments arose because the VP is a Christian.  Apparently many on the Left believe that being Christian makes one anti-science.

AOC led the chorus.

“Mike Pence literally does not believe in science. It is utterly irresponsible to put him in charge of U.S. coronavirus response as the world sits on the cusp of a pandemic.”

VP Pence does not believe in science?  That’s utterly ridiculous.  There is no prohibition between being religious and believing in science.

The founder of every major branch of science was a Bible-believing Christian of one stripe or another. As the great evangelical thinker Dr. Os Guinness once said, “Actually, many of the earliest, and some of the very greatest of scientists have been people of enormous faith.”

It is a sad day in America when the act of appealing to our Lord for help is seen as worthy of mockery.  We are not praying for God to perform a miracle. We are praying for Him to grant our doctors, scientists and researchers the wisdom to find a solution to the problem at hand.

The anti-religious nature of the Left has been growing more and more obvious with time.  If the Left can succeed in banishing Christianity from the public sphere, if they can confine Christianity to inside the churches on Sunday, then the inalienable rights bestowed on all Americans by our Creator will not exist except inside our churches.  We cannot allow that to happen or we will lose our country.