CNN Proves Their Idiocy Again

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CNN has proven again and again just how much they hate PDJT and the Republicans.  CNN hyped the Russian Collusion narrative for more than two years only to have it blow up in their face.  Their efforts during the impeachment scam the Democrats tried were directed not at uncovering the truth but simply to get PDJT out of office by any means necessary.

CNN is now on to their next attempt to paint PDJT and the Republicans as evil people.  The latest attempt is to try to frame the use of the term “Wuhan virus” or “foreign virus” or “Chinese corona virus” as being racist or xenophobic.  Chris Cuomo led the attack.

“We are starting to see a message shift here,” Cuomo said on air Wednesday. “Because you are starting to hear the Republicans, especially Trump Co., calling it the Wuhan or the Chinese Coronavirus, they’re looking for someone to blame.”

A message shift?  Just how many times have CNN and other major news outlet used these terms?  The number of times is probably uncountable.  However, the Media Research Center put together a montage showing some 35 times that the term has been used on the air.  This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Even Chinese citizens literally say Wuhan SARS or Wuhan pneumonia.

Of course, this comes at a time when China is starting to spin a narrative that the virus originated in America.  Those claims erupted on Chinese social media last week, where conspiracy-minded sites such as College Daily, are pushing the idea that the virus really originated in the United States.

So, is Chris Cuomo now working for the Chinese government?  Is he trying for a twofer?  That is, entice the American public to believe in his racist nonsense while at the same time shifting attention away from China where the virus originated.

And CNN wonders why their ratings have fallen so much? Perhaps CNN should suspend all broadcasts for 30 days to curtail the spread of panic and hysteria!