Was The Police State Dry Run Successful?

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There are literally thousands of memes circulating on the internet about the Wuhan virus pandemic.  Some are funny.  Some express satire.  Others are directed at one political party or the other, at one political personage or another.  And then there are some like this one.

As with all memes generally there is a grain of truth somewhere in the presentation.  In this one it is true that we were asked to help each other stay healthy.  And most Americans from both sides of the aisle responded positively.  At the time we did not know how embarrassingly wrong the experts (Fauci, Birx, etc.) would turn out to be.  As Americans we joined together to “flatten the curve.”  And well more than a month ago, the curve was flattened.

What we did not realize at the time was that the inner totalitarian nature of a lot of governors and mayors would be released.  Of course, this was all done under the disguise of protecting our health and well-being.   In a very real sense , when the Wuhan virus arrived here, so did Communist China.

Democratic governors and mayors ran rampant over our constitutional liberties and freedoms.  Were we told to surrender our liberties?  Again this meme is accurate as far as it goes.  The answer is no.  What this meme does not say is that these tyrants simply snatched those liberties away.

Jobs were defined as essential or not as each individual governor saw fit.  Now I have no doubt that there are non-essential jobs within the government.  How many of them were cut?

There are no non-essential jobs in the private sector.  Every job in the private sector is there because of a need that has been expressed by those who are voluntarily willing to pay for the service.

Today, going to work without the permission of the government is now a crime in many areas.  Most recently in Oregon, a salon owner who opened her business in defiance of the lockdown,  found herself to be the object of multiple investigations including one by Child Protective Services. Yes, Child Protective Services.  Apparently working to feed her three kids places them in imminent danger.  She was fined $14,000.  The state is now threatening her business license and the licenses of her hair stylists.

This is not an isolated example.  There are hundreds of examples like this all across our country. It’s disgusting that any American should have to beg to be able to work.  It’s even worse to be punished for doing so. At this point in time we are all deplorables.  As such, we are subject to the vindictive, punitive and cruel abuses of power by these people.

Since when does the government have the right to do this?  How does this differ from Communist China?

No totalitarian state can co-exist with religion especially when that religion is Christianity.  Churches were told to shut down.  Some were threatened with permanent closure.  Ministers and rabbis were threatened and arrested.  Even church services that followed social distancing guidelines were not permitted.

A few examples:

Illinois: Democrat Governor Closes Churches For A Year

Dallas County Judge Tries to Limit Church Service Attendees but Texas AG Ken Paxton Isn’t Having It

Sheriff Claims Pastor Hid Congregants From Him on Easter, Fines Him $1,000 With a Threat of Jail Time

Churches and church goers under siege on Easter

More recently churches in some areas are being allowed to re-open for services.  In order to do so, there is a list of 15 restrictions/regulations that must be followed.  The list would make Josef Stalin proud.  Again, is this America or China?

Our right to protest peacefully against an overbearing government has been stripped away.  The big tech companies (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) have gotten involved.  They are shutting down people’s access to their platform if they try to organize a protest.  They have also gotten people arrested for trying to do so.  Going on TV and castigating one’s governor will find one on the short end of the stick.  Petty tyrants will get you one way or another.  This will be done under the guise of public safety.

A few examples:

Maine Yanks Licenses From Restaurateur

First Amendment Fail — Raleigh Police

Facebook Blacklists Michigan Lockdown Protest Group

Twitter Suspends Candace Owens for Telling Michigan to ‘Go to Work’

This is what they do in China.  Are these people taking their cues from the Chinese Communists?

China launched its notorious social credit system last year to watch over its own citizens and mete out punishment based on personal behavior and loyalty to the Communist Party.  Now three prominent U.S. universities are using taxpayer money to create a similar type of surveillance network designed to monitor Americans.  Since when does any law-abiding American merit this kind of surveillance?  The Democrats are demonstrating that they have become card-carrying members of the Chinese Communist Party.  The Democrats are demonstrating what they will do to America if they are ever given power over this country again.

It is well past time to tell these wannabe dictators to go pound salt.   They live in America not China.  Thankfully more and more people are rising up against these totalitarian power grabs.  And no amount of attempted shaming by “woke progressives” is going to stop it.  Contrary to what took place after the 2016 election when people were hoodwinked into a faux resistance, these people are part of a real resistance.  They are pushing back against the fascist tendencies of the Democrats.  They are fighting the repressive acts of people who no longer recognize any limits on their authority.

Again it is true we were not told to surrender our liberties.  They were simply taken from us by power-hungry politicians.  Now these same people are looking for any excuse to extend their power grabs for as long as possible.

It is time to liberate America!