The Nazi Party Of America

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Dennis Prager has written an article over at with the title, The Four Horsemen of America’s Apocalypse.  In it Prager reviews how the Nazi Party (National Socialists) came into power.  Prager also goes over how other totalitarian movements succeeded in gaining power.  Prager highlights the four elements needed to destroy a civilization.  He then compares that to what the Democrats and their allies in the media are doing today.

One element needed is victimhood.  Prager says,

The first is victimhood. The more people who regard themselves as victims — as individuals or as a group — the more likely they are to commit evil. People who think of themselves as victims feel that, having been victimized, they are no longer bound by normal moral conventions — especially the moral conventions of their alleged or real oppressors.

Recent examples of this lack of moral conventions are the widespread looting, rioting, arson and mayhem going on around the country after the death of George Floyd.  While the outrage may be understandable, the rioters have abandoned all sense of right and wrong.  They believe themselves entitled to take from the “oppressors.”  It does not matter that the “oppressors” may be people who live in their own neighborhoods.

Another example of this occurred in Atlanta over the weekend.  The police fatally shot a black man.  Whether the shooting was justified or not,  the Wendy’s where this happened was burned to the ground.  What did Wendy’s have to do with what happened?  Nothing.  The man was passed out in their drive-thru lane.  These people saw themselves as victims and, as such, believed they were entitled to do whatever they wanted to do.  The livelihood of those who worked at Wendy’s was destroyed by people who have no moral compass.

Since the 1960’s, the most racist organization in the country, the Nazi Democratic Party, has preached to blacks that they are victims.  Blacks have been taught that they cannot succeed in America.  While many groups have come to this country and succeeded, blacks have been told that they need help to succeed in America.  This is the most blatant form of racism.  Many blacks believe this lie.  I do not blame them.  I blame the Democrats who have perpetuated this lie.

This has resulted in a plantation mentality in a lot of our big cities.  The Democrats chased away fathers from their families by their use of welfare.  This destroyed the cohesion of family life and enabled a cycle of poverty among families with a single parent.  This has helped to entrench the idea of victimhood.

In order to have victims, one must have oppressors.  These oppressors will be characterized as inherently evil.  In the case of the Nazis, Hitler and his cohorts pointed at the British, the French and, of course, the Jews.  Here in America, Prager notes that one group is being painted as irredeemably evil.

That is being done now with regard to the white people of America. All — again, all — whites are declared racist. The only difference among them is that some admit it and some deny it. The notion that whites are inherently evil has long been associated with Louis Farrakhan. But it has apparently migrated out from his relatively small following to many blacks, even those who might consider Farrakhan a kook. Former President Barack Obama, hardly a Farrakhan follower, described America as having racism in its DNA. That is as close to inherently and irredeemably evil as it gets; you cannot change your DNA.

Hardly a day goes by without some bobblehead in the MSM inventing some story about how the President is giving a “dog whistle” to the hidden white supremacist movement that supposedly consists of most of the Republican Party.  Joe Biden has called the people in flyover country as the “dredges of society.”  Obama called them “bitter clingers.”  And Hillary Clinton referred to half the country as “deplorables.”

The most recent example of this was the President’s plan to hold a campaign rally on June 19th.  Immediately the bobbleheads started claiming this was a “dog whistle” to all the white supremacists in the country.  After all, this is Juneteenth, a day which celebrates emancipation for blacks at the end of the Civil War.  Many highly intelligent people have been hoodwinked with this lie.  The President, after consulting with advisers and others, moved the rally one day back out of respect.

The third horseman of this apocalypse is a cause to believe in.  Prager notes,

Most Americans throughout American history found great meaning in being American and in being religious — usually Christian. Since World War II, we have lived in a post-Christian, post-nationalist age. Until very recently, Americans would have found the expression “for God and country” deeply meaningful; that term today, on the left, is risible and execrable.

Without a doubt one the things most people need is something to believe in.  The Left has worked unceasingly to try to remove religion from the public sphere.  They have tried to paint being religious as an anachronism.  This has led to the sprouting up of organizations like the Freedom From Religion Foundation that tries to restrict religion to what takes place inside a house of worship.  Perhaps the best recent example of this by a political leader is Obama’s “bitter clingers” reference.  The implication was that if you believe in the Bible, you are out of touch with today’s world and, by extension, should be an outcast.

When you push people away from religion and nationalism, they need to find something else to believe in.  If we look back a few decades, we can see some clear examples of this.  In the West there was a long-time movement to defeat communism.  Communism was seen in those days as a vastly unjust system of governing.   The 100 million+ people who were killed under communist systems attest to the truth of that statement.  When the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed, those people who had fought in the campaign against communism now needed something else to believe in.  They found it in the siren call of global warming and saving the planet.

As this cause has slowly been exposed as a fraud, people have drifted away looking for other causes to believe in.  The Left has had an unceasing drumbeat about various “isms.”  According to them there is gross inequity in this country.  The media has cooperated in selling this narrative.   Ending systemic racism, sexism, etc., became the new causes to believe in.  People have been brainwashed into believing that rampant evil is running loose in America in the form of these “isms.”

The Democrats have long been selling the idea that America was a cesspool of evil, mostly propagated by patriarchal white men.  They did this in order to gain power over people by promising to “fix” these problems.  Slick orators (yes, Pres. Obama was one) mesmerized people into believing the nonsense they were selling.  “White privilege” became the mantra of the day.  If you are a white male, you are supposed to admit your guilt in being white and grovel before your masters.  If you spoke out logically against the idiocy coming out of their mouths, you were labelled as racist, sexist, etc.

All of this has come about because many people do not believe in religion and they have been taught to hate the country they live in.  So they need something else to believe in.  The Nazi Democratic Party has filled this need with fake narratives about systemic injustice.

There are no limits to what the Left will do to achieve total power.  In the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, they actually committed witness fraud in an attempt to frame an innocent man.  A direct outgrowth of this fraud was the beginnings of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) group.  This group quickly morphed into militant, violent foot soldiers for the Nazi Democratic Party as seen in Ferguson and Baltimore.  BLM has fueled the anti-police sentiment in this country.  This reminds me of the Brownshirts during the 1930’s in Germany. More recently BLM has been present as agitators in many of the riots in cities across the country.  This certainly has clear parallels to Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass, in 1938 in Germany.

Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was a campaign against Jews carried out by paramilitary forces and civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening. The name Kristallnacht (“Crystal Night”) comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings and synagogues were smashed.  Does this sound in any way familiar to what is happening in this country today?

The last horseman in Prager’s list is Lies.  Prager notes,

The fourth and most important ingredient necessary for evil is lies. Lies are the root of evil. Ironically, slavery itself was made possible only because of the lie that the black was inferior to the white. Nazism was made possible thanks to the lie that Jews were not fully human. And communism was built on lies. Lenin, the father of Soviet Communism, named the Soviet communist newspaper “Truth” (“Pravda”) because truth was what the Communist Party said it was.

In America the MSM has become Pravda.  This includes the NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, etc. They spout whatever benefits the Democratic Party.  A recent survey for the month of May showed that fully 98% of all articles in the MSM were negative toward the President and the Republican Party.

As Prager noted, objective truth no longer exists with these people.  They speak lies while looking you in the eye.  A recent example of this was Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) telling a media bobblehead that he had seen no evidence of violence in Washington on the Monday after rioting had taken place in our nation’s capital.

According to Clyburn, the rioting, looting, arson and attacks against police that you saw with your own eyes did not happen. The burned-out cars, the burning buildings and churches, the rampant looting, and the 150 law enforcement officers taken to the hospital were apparently staged and made up.   And AG Barr must have been lying when he said he saw bricks thrown.

The media enables this kind of behavior when they fail to state obvious truths, when they fail to push back against obvious lies.  They have become little more than the propaganda arm of the Nazis Democrats.  I have railed against media bias many times.  Recently one friend pointed out something to me.  He said there is not just bias in reporting stories.  The fact is that they are reporting bald-faced lies as the truth.  I agree.  And they do so with aplomb.

We have seen this time and again with reporting on the riots.  One reporter stands in front of a building that is burning to the ground and says that the people are “generally not unruly.”  Other reporters praised the “mostly peaceful” protesters in Minneapolis.  A recent survey says that over 1,000 businesses suffered damage including the complete destruction of their businesses during these “mostly peaceful protests.”

Dennis Prager says,

It takes a lot to build a civilization, and though it is much easier to destroy a civilization, it takes a lot to do that, too.

But now we have four roots of evil that are guaranteed to do so.

Can the destruction of our country and along with it, western civilization be stopped?  I do not know.

What Jared Peterson reports is,

The circumstances America faces are potentially revolutionary. Whether they unfold into revolution depends on whether Americans aggressively reassert their traditional rights to live normal private lives free from arbitrary restraint; and, at least as significantly, whether American elites find the courage and moral authority to reject the outrageous racism libel and vigorously defend a fundamentally just and indisputably widely prosperous society from the depredations of the mob.

What I know is that we have a leader, the right leader, in the Oval Office right now.  And more than 1 million people in the Tulsa area agree with that assessment.