Business As Usual

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The headline by the Sun-Times Media Wire was “101 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago.”  The weekend saw more shooting victims but less fatalities than the last weekend of May, when 85 people were shot, 24 of them fatally — Chicago’s most deadly weekend in years.

The vast majority were black-on-black shootings and killings.  In other words, business as usual.  This is why #BlackLivesMatter is a complete joke.  Don’t the lives of the 14 that died over the weekend matter?  What about the 24 killed during the last weekend in May?

This is former President Obama’s city.  Where is he?  Where is his outrage?

The last time Obama talked even halfway honestly about the problems in the black community was 12 years ago on Father’s Day in 2008.  The location was the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago.

Obama orated that too many black fathers were missing from too many homes.  Obama talked about the results of such actions.  He talked about the deleterious effects economically, in school and on the streets.  Obama went on to say that absentee fathers “have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.”

Obama’s speech did not go over well with the race baiters.  Rev. Jesse Jackson led the charge with a vulgarity-filled rant that included the desire to remove part of then Senator Obama’s anatomy.  Obama got the message and never again ventured anywhere near discussing the foundational problems in the black community.  This helped to guarantee Rev. Jackson’s main source of money.  That would be race-baiting for dollars and power.  In other words, business as usual.

It is the same with BLM.  Their goal is power and money.  They can use the death of George Floyd to advance their cause.  The deaths of blacks in Chicago are meaningless within their political calculations.

One sees the same thing in other cities.  Jamiel Shaw ,Sr. tweeted the following recently.

It is time to call out BLM for what they are.  They are a violent, subversive group who are paid to create chaos and mayhem.  Their ultimate goal is to replace the constitutional order with a Marxist society with them at the top.