BLM Hates Black People

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For those who may have missed a piece of insanity in Provo, Utah yesterday, a 60-year-old man, who was driving an SUV, was shot.

How did this happen?  The man was driving on a street in Provo when he slowed down and got in the right turn lane to make a turn.  “Peaceful” protesters blocked his route and the route of other vehicles. The driver then sounded his horn.  They then surrounded his vehicle.  More “peaceful” protesters rushed to try to block the SUV.  This is anarchy and it gets worse.

One of the “peaceful” BLM activists pulled a gun and demanded the driver get out.  When the driver refused, this “peaceful” terrorist opened fire hitting the driver.   When the driver hits the gas and tries to escape, the terrorist fires another shot through the rear window of the SUV.

A black man who was at dinner nearby witnessed this event.  While I take an issue with his description of the event (“a truck blaze through them”), I strongly believe that many people’s thoughts are echoed the words that this man writes.  BLM does not care about black people.  BLM does not care about what damage they are doing to the black community.  They care only about power.

Eyewitness in Provo

Kam Hamilton

I’m SHAKING as I type this.
For weeks now people have asked, “kam what are your thoughts with everything going on with the BLM movement?” And for weeks I have been silent, and to be honest I wasn’t planning on opening up until tonight’s event.

I was at dinner with a friend IN DOWNTOWN PROVO, when a protest group decided to block a portion of center street. Annoyed, I decided to walk closer to do a head count. Out of the 50 or 60 people at this protest, 5 of them were black, let me repeat that… 5 PEOPLE WERE BLACK at this protest. I sat and listened as they chanted things about police officers, and as they chanted things about “justice for blacks”. As cars sat there honking, the protest group didn’t move. I watched them hit and throw things at innocent cars. As the group marched further down center street, I watched a truck blaze through them, and then guns were shot. AND THIS IS WHERE I LOSE IT.
As gun shots were fired, I watched an innocent couple, holding a baby run for their lives.

AN INNOCENT COUPLE AND A BABY. My heart shattered, and I instantly became pissed.

This movement is suppose to be for me? All this rioting and protesting is suppose to support me and the black community? You guys are doing this to show your love and support to blacks?

If this is the way you guys want to show support and love, then count me out. I never want people to fear me because of a movement that’s “supposedly” supporting me and my kind. You guys are saying “black lives matter” and I am here saying “all lives matter”. You want to retaliate with “yes all lives matter, but right now it’s about black lives”, then I say this:
If you think that going around and causing fear is a solution for black lives, you’re wrong. It’s only adding to the problem. Fear is what started this, and what these protesters are doing is only making things worse. I never want people to fear me because of the color of my skin. I never want people to feel uncomfortable because I’m black. FEAR IS NOT THE WAY TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. It only makes this situation worse for everyone.

If you think that making one race a priority over another right now is the solution, then I say that only makes things harder. We can’t make other races feel guilty or bad or LESS in hopes that they will start treating the “priority” race better. IT WON’T. And this will forever be an ongoing issue as we rotate different “lives” that matter the most “at this time”.

If you think that all cops are the same, then I say you need to grow up and stop categorizing. One bad cop DOES NOT MAKE ALL COPS BAD. One illegal immigrant DOES NOT MAKE ALL IMMIGRANTS ILLEGAL. There are good cops and there are bad cops, and it makes me sick that innocent cops, that have been protecting us and serving us for years, now have to prove themselves. They have to protect their innocent families now because people want to vandalize their homes. They now have to be seen as “murderers” just because OF ONE COP. For all my friends that are cops…. FROM THIS BLACK MALE, I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU, and I would like to apologize for any wrong, violence, or hate crime that has been directed towards you or your family.

I’m a black male that just had his heart shattered because of what I just witnessed with that innocent couple. For a movement that is suppose to be making me feel proud of the color of my skin, it’s only making things harder for me. I get stared at more as I go into places for work, and not the good type of stares, the awkward type. The type of stare where I can just tell they are already afraid because of everything going, and now they are in the presence of a “black guy”. I get asked a thousand times “what are your thoughts” every day now, but before “my opinion” on blacks didn’t matter because I was only “half black”.

When I got booted a few weeks ago the cop couldn’t even look me in the eye and the sad part of that moment, I was completely in the wrong for parking in a spot that needed a permit, yet he was afraid to do his job and give me the ticket. My friends don’t even know what to say to me anymore because they are afraid it’s going to come off racist. MY OWN FRIENDS, not random people, but people that have known me for years ARE SCARED TO EVEN TALK TO ME because they don’t want to be considered racist. I get phone calls asking “if I don’t post anything about what’s going on, are you going to feel like I am a racist? Is it going to come off that you don’t matter to me if I don’t share anything?”.

So again, is this movement really for me?

Is it really for black people?

Are these protests helping at all?

I can’t see how burning stores down, flipping cars over, and harassing innocent bystanders helps us blacks feel important.

Again, I am black male and I don’t feel like the way we are going about “black lives matter” is helping at all. If anything it makes me sick that our world is falling apart, yet so many people are feeling like they are making a difference in the community.

Take it from a black guy, you’re not helping, you’re only making the world fear black people and that is still making life hard for us.
