Black Lives Do Not Matter To BLM

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Mychal Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.”

Massie recently authored a piece about Black Lives Matter for  It is worth a few minutes of your time.

Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a rat’s behind about ‘blacks’

Black Lives Matter is a damnable lie on every quantifiable level. If black lives mattered, the organizers and participants in said movement would not draw a sharp distinction between what they term “urban ‘black’ violence” and Black Lives Matter. The fact is: Black Lives Matter is a satanic heterodoxy that was transmogrified into a Marxist construct for the primary purpose of creating a toxic social environment fueled by riots and mayhem.

Black Lives Matter is the corporate name of a Marxist group that doesn’t give a rat’s behind about black people or their lives. They are a domestic terrorist organization whose founders realized having “black” in their name indemnifies them against national political condemnation. There’s nothing “black” about the group Black Lives Matter.

Most of the people who equate scoring touchdowns, dribbling basketballs, driving race cars, kicking goals, etc., with having a measurable IQ above 70 are clueless to said fact. As usual, in their exhilaration to hate white people, embrace victimology and avail themselves to be used to further the cause of identity politics, most blacks openly or quietly support the idea of “We Shall Overcome.” They’re blinded by silent hatred to the point that they fail to realize “overcome came and went,” and they’re now being used by communists and Marxists on a mission to obtain wealth and power that won’t be shared on any level with them.

Read the rest of it here.