BLM Thugs Brutally Assault Michelle Malkin

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The 6th Annual Colorado Law Enforcement Appreciation Day took place in Denver on Sunday.  The event was held at the Greek Amphitheatre in Civic Center Park.  The event had been advertised on social media and was billed as a “family friendly” event.  Michelle Malkin was a scheduled speaker and had advertised the event on her Twitter account.

Prior to the assaults taking place, police at the site had asked the event coordinators to shut the event down because “trouble was coming.”  This is a tactic used in some places to suppress free speech.  Try to silence speakers by telling them that trouble is coming.

Trouble was a group wearing BLM tee shirts led by the Aurora Party of Socialism and Liberation.  They had vowed to break up the pro-police rally.  Malkin, who was live streaming the event, has posted a 36-minute-long video of the event.  Trouble shows up around the 23:00 mark.

While there was a police presence, they seemed unprepared for what took place.  But perhaps there was another reason. Black Lives Matter activist Hale Rardin said “There’s not much else to say other than every cop here is a terrorist by association.”  You cannot make this stuff up.  According to Rardin, the police are terrorists for being present at a peaceful rally supporting the police.  I am sure that some police were aware of how they were being characterized.

A veteran and an event organizer, Ron McLaughlin, was beaten on stage right after he had led a group prayer.

Malkin was beaten by one or more people who were carrying collapsible batons. The fact that these people were carrying collapsible batons would indicate that they came to do violence.  BLM is trying to normalize violence against anyone who does not agree with them

These were unprovoked assaults.  As usual the media treated the BLM thugs as engaging in  “opposing free speech.”  Of course, this is in line with corporate policy that violence by BLM thugs must be ignored or downplayed.

Ken Cuccinelli, Acting Deputy Secretary of DHS, tweeted,

Journalist Peter Barry Chowka noted,

Until recently, violence of this kind to suppress conservative free speech was largely limited to the nation’s leftist-dominated college campuses. Obviously, a new page has now been turned as many of America’s leading cities – all of them under Democrat party control – have abandoned enforcing laws big and small. The expression of free speech is now openly threatened off the campuses. Which one of the Bill of Rights will be next?

Which one indeed!

Where are the Democrats regarding this violence against peaceful protesters?  The Democratic Party is kneeling in supplication to these BLM thugs.  Of course, BLM thugs are the foot soldiers for the Democratic Party attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.  How soon will it be before all of the First Amendment is under attack?