Biden Becomes Totally Incoherent

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On Monday Joe Biden was being interviewed by Joy Reid on MSNBC when he became totally incoherent.  Reid was asking Biden about measures being taken to ensure the integrity of the upcoming election.

“Voter registration physicians?”  It did not get much better after that.  This is the man that the Marxists Democrats say should be President.  This is the man they say would have no problem with a cognitive test.  Really?  Something is way out of kilter here.

There will be no debates with Trump.  The Democrats will cook up some excuse to keep Biden hidden in his basement.  The Democrats cannot afford to have Biden seen in public before the election where he would have to answer questions that he hasn’t already seen.  He is having enough trouble with those he has seen.

This is elder abuse.  To continue to put this man in front of a camera even when he has a script in front of him makes the Democrats the laughingstock of the world.