Portland Is A Breeding Ground

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Portland has been a breeding ground for Antifa and other violent groups for many years. As noted yesterday, it is now a live experiment to see just how far Antifa, BLM and others can go before the local government will step in to stop them.  It seems that, so far, there is little that the anarchists can do that will prompt the Marxist mayor to say enough. And forget about the bought-and-paid-for Soros Governor.

If you speak out against these groups, there is a good chance you will receive a beating.  Just ask Andy Ngo.  According to Antifa, et al, speech that they disagree with is violence against them.  This allows them the “right” to respond with physical violence.

By standing down, the police are protecting the rioters.  Citizens who defend themselves from potential or actual violence are arrested and charged as criminals.  The McCloskey’s in St. Louis are just one of many examples of this around the country.  The Soros Circuit Attorney there is trying to upend their life because they tried to protect their property.  This is a blatant attempt to neuter the Second Amendment.

When the federal government decides to defend their property as they did in Portland, they are “goons” according to Steven Colbert on his daily show.  When they detain agitators for violating federal law, they are unwelcome at best.  Most of the time such moves are branded in the media as “abuse of power,” “violating the Constitution” and “kidnapping.”  The truly addled claim that because the local government does not want federal law enforcement there, the Feds have no authority to execute such arrests.  Therefore, such arrests are illegal.  There is no end to the nonsense that is being peddled to the public.

Democrats in Congress led by the erstwhile Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler has decided to weigh in on the side of the violent anarchists.  Nadler said, “We are increasingly alarmed at the Trump Administration’s use of federal law enforcement to violate the civil rights of our constituents.”

Alarmed indeed.  If Nadler did not say something like this, the Squad would tar and feather him and run him out of Congress.  They are the ones who are actually running the show.

Nadler must have the same problem with his eyesight as Jim Clyburn (D-SC).  Nadler only sees violence when police officers make moves to restore the peace.  Clyburn is infamous for having stated that there was no violence in Washington, DC when the rioters were looting, burning and generally committing mayhem.  There is plentiful footage of these protests in Portland being anything but non-violent.  What is really going on could be characterized as something approaching irregular warfare.

What’s going on in Portland is classic Alinsky.  The idea here is to demoralize the public, to get them to beg for relief.  In Portland, after 50+ nights of violence, we may be getting close to that point.  The mayor is blaming PDJT and his “goons.”  Wheeler is implying that if only the Feds would leave, he could get things under control.  Whether the public will swallow this swill remains to be seen.

It is time for Americans to stand up and take our country back.  Do what you can.  Do not allow the Marxists and Communists to destroy the best country on the planet.