Mobs Form To Protest Voting In Person

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I am not sure if it can get any wackier than this.  However, with the Democrats willing to use any means possible to fraudulently win the Presidency, I suppose even wackier ideas will surface soon.

The Democrats have recently started another faux scandal.  They claim that PDJT and the Republicans are trying to steal the election by screwing with the postal system.  This is to disenfranchise those who might vote by mail.  Everyone would be forced to vote in person where they will catch COVID-19 and die.

How does one fight this kind of evil?  Go out in public with a lot of other people and protest.  Everyone in the country knows at this point that COVID-19 is a politically astute virus.  Since you are protesting against the evil Republicans, you will be protected from the virus.

Go to church, COVID-19 will get you.  Go out on a golf course, COVID-19 will get you.  Play a game of basketball, COVID-19 will get you.  Protest government lockdowns, COVID-19 will get you.  Go get a BLM tee shirt and burn down a car dealership, you are protected from COVID-19.  This virus is very smart.  How do we know this?  The Party of Science has told us.

This is the modern Democratic Party.