A Retired Marine Colonel’s Letter To The NFL

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The controversy over our national anthem continues to rage.  The NFL has now decided that America is really two countries.  Therefore, we need to have two anthems played before NFL games.  This is mind-blowingly stupid.  There is one national anthem and it is the Star-Spangled Banner.

Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, would not allow Tim Tebow to kneel in prayer.  Goodell would not allow the Dallas Cowboys to put a tribute to slain police officers on their helmets.  He would not allow 9-11 tributes.  Now he allows players to “honor” a sex offender and career criminal.  Political expressions that serve to divide the country are now allowed.

This kind of pandering only exacerbates the polarization of America that has been led by Democratic Party elites.  They only believe in power.  They could care less about everyday Americans.  The same thing goes for most over-paid professional athletes.

A retired Marine colonel wrote an open letter to the NFL.  He called out their hypocrisy and their lack of moral courage.  Several people took the time to put it to music in one way or another.  One effort is reproduced below.  YouTube has not yet deigned to erase it from their system.

Respect each other. People that have been brainwashed with hate and racism are angry because they cannot see the good side of life. There is way more good in this country than bad. See the love that is displayed over and over.  When one can see the more positive images, one will be happier.  And the polarization will diminish.

God help us and bless us.