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The Supreme Court has announced the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the age of 87 from complications of pancreatic cancer.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. said of Justice Ginsburg:

“Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her — a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”

Justice Ginsburg’s death was announced while PDJT was holding a campaign rally in Minnesota.  The President was unaware until told by reporters after the rally.


This was class.  The news seemed to floor the President.  Regardless of one’s individual feelings about the President, PDJT showed absolute respect from the heart.  PDJT was a gentleman to the core.

The president released the following statement:

Joe Biden read some prepared remarks:

Watching Biden struggle through this briefing is just plain sad while being infuriating at the same time.  The Democrats are running the biggest con game in the country’s history.

Justice Ginsburg’s death will undoubtedly release the political whirlwinds.  Justice Kavanaugh replaced a justice who was considered to be a centrist in court ideologies.  We all saw how demented the Democrats were about that.  PDJT nominating a replacement now will unleash a firestorm unparalleled in DC history.  And PDJT will nominate someone.  One of his core issues has been returning true justice to the courts.

The Democrats have proved this summer that they will do anything to get back into the White House and to assert control over Americans.  They have been willing to allow the country to burn.  They have been willing to allow livelihoods to be destroyed.

The politics will be heightened in a year where the politics have been absolutely crazy.  This is the Democrats worst nightmare happening right before the election. More chaos added to what the country is already facing.