Media Bias

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It is getting worse.  Facebook has stepped up censorship of ads favorable to PDJT even if they are true.  The pressure on social media giants from the far left has gotten to the point where ads that use Joe Biden’s words are blocked because they are “missing context.”  In other words it is not that the words were not spoken.  It is not that the meaning was manipulated.  It’s that the entire speech was not shown so people could not possibly understand what Joe Biden meant.

Recently the Biden campaign has been running ads that say that Biden’s plan will not raise taxes on most people.  This is a flat out lie.  Biden himself said, “If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.”  Biden warned that his plan will raise taxes “on all income groups.”

Listen to the ad countering Biden’s recent claims for yourself.

Biden has literally said this multiple times. There should be no controversy about this ad.  Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion, hitting all income groups and affecting nearly every taxpayer in America. This would take place while the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the coronavirus.

Some claim that this is a manipulated statement.  Biden was responding to a question from the audience stating they had benefitted from the tax cuts under PDJT.  The full statement by Biden was, “Guess what, if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut, if you benefited from that.”

The fact is that, despite Pelosi’s claims that the tax cuts were “just crumbs,” all income groups benefitted from the tax cuts.  So Biden’s answer was to say truthfully (imagine that!) that all income groups would see higher taxes.  Some tax experts who have reviewed Biden’s plan noted that his plan would mean higher taxes on average for all income groups with the increases being relatively small (“just crumbs”) for all but the highest earners.  I wonder what exactly “just crumbs” means in the Democratic lexicon.

Biden has also said,

“We should charge people the same tax for their capital gains as their tax rate is.  And I think we should raise the tax rate back to, for example, I take it back to where it was before it was reduced. It could go higher.”

If one raises the tax rates back to where they were before the tax cut, doesn’t this mean that most people would see a tax increase?  More recently to deflect criticism away from his tax plan, Biden has fallen back on the old “The rich need to pay their fair share” mantra.  Of course, this ignores the fact that the top 5% of income earners pay 60% of all income taxes.

Meanwhile Facebook allows the Biden campaign to perpetrate blatant lies.  The Charlottesville ad is just one such example out of many.  This is political censorship by Facebook.  It is time for Congress to look carefully at just what these companies are.  They have benefitted from a carveout in legislation that exempts them from liability because they claim to be a platform.  Censoring what is published on their platform seems to put the lie to that claim.

1 thought on “Media Bias

  1. David Fuentes

    Why isn’t social media treated like main st media? It seems like both of these platforms do nothing but try to persuade the reader to think a certain way. They often use raw emotion to do it. Lately, they have liked to use fear. They have used these fears to divide us. They have used this fear to effect the way people are voting in this election and now a possible SCOTUS vote in the senate. I’m shocked that Democrats can go on social media and threaten burning down Congress over a SCOTUS vote. I thought we call that a domestic terrorist threat? Apparently that is ok in america 2020. What happened to threatening ideas and not people. Can we get back to those days or will Democracy die because each citizen can’t vote the way they want because of threats of violence?

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