Standing Up For Americans

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Eric Trump, one of PDJT’s sons, spoke at the Republican National Convention.  Eric outlined the movement that created the Trump presidency.  He called out the Democrats who hate America, who want to erase history and forget the past except when it suits their political objectives.

Eric pointed out the obvious when he said that the Democrats want to suppress free speech, that the only speech permitted is that which aligns with their thinking.  Eric quoted President Reagan,

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Eric called out the media for mocking and shaming common, everyday Americans.  He pointed out that common, everyday Americans had no one fighting for them in either party before his father came along.

Eric highlighted some of the many accomplishments of his father.  He noted the economy, employment, trade deals, a rebuilt military, peace in the Middle East, etc.

Eric went onto highlight Joe Biden’s “accomplishments.”

Eric finished up by noting his father’s accomplishments.  These are real.  PDJT thinks of America first before anything else.  Voting for PDJT will see to it that American freedoms are not a thing of the past.  PDJT will always fight for what is right for the common, everyday American.

This speech is worth nine minutes of your time.