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The following came to my attention late last night and is from a person I know as “Dutchman.”  This is very interesting speculation on the sudden urgency of Republicans (Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney in particular) to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ginsburg.  PDJT may have been a neophyte politician when he came down the escalator in Trump Towers in 2015.  He’s no rube anymore (not that he was ever a rube, just inexperienced when he started).

PDJT did something at his friendly protest yesterday, that ‘flies in the face of political wisdom’;
Less than 2 months before reelection, about to enter potentially the most contentious SCOTUS nomination in history, …..and he openly says “I am SO disgusted with these,….REPUBLICANS.”

He SAID it in the context of the lack of investigations into the coup, the leaks, etc.

I also note that Mitch and Graham are JUMPING to confirm the SCOTUS pick, with Graham saying they have the votes to confirm, and even Mitt signalling he’s on board.

So, I wonder,…..Did PDJT convey to the Republicons that either they get on board, or he would spend the next two months exposing THEIR role in the coup and ongoing resistance?

With his almost daily friendly protest rallies, to huge in person and online audiences, he has a YUGE megaphone to use, and directed at exactly the voters who would need to hear the message.

Between those rallys and tweets, he could easily make the points, to HIS voters, Rep, #walkaways and indies, that I have been posting here for some time.

That is, that all the evidence we need, of Republicon complicity in the coup, is RIGHT in front of us, we WATCHED them do it, and continue to do it on an ongoing basis.

Perhaps that was a little taste, just to let them know he WOULD and COULD do it?
They SHOULD know by now, PDJT doesn’t bluff, but it never hurts to reinforce a threat, strike that, PROMISE, with a little taste.

IF I am correct in my speculation, PDJT may have crossed a rubicon (whatever the heck a rubicon IS?) and there is a substantial shift in the power dynamic in the Swamp.

Effectively, this nueters the Republicons, at the very least thru the election, …..
And the threat/promise is only slightly less powerful AFTER the election.

Yes, McConnell, Graham etc will be elected to a “new term”, but a true exposure of their complicity in the coup, AT ANY TIME, by PDJT, would result in calls for their resigning their seats, if not surrendering their heads, by his extremely loyal massive support.

Lets watch what happens,….

PDJT can play the political game with the best of them now.  He knows how to use their own tools against them.  PDJT is a force for good that has been missing from American politics for a long time.

I am sure we will see an onslaught of religious prosecution during the confirmation process of whoever is nominated to fill RBG’s seat.  The Democrats are going to go all in to destroy the process as well as the individual who accepts the President’s nod.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.