The Election Was Stolen

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The evidence continues to pile up in courts around the country.  The media continues to pretend that there is “no evidence of fraud.”  The media celebrates the potential demise of this country by blasting out story after story about “no evidence,” about cases denied despite judges having in their possession tons of affidavits.

Let’s look at a few incidents that have made it into official recordings, etc.  Keep in mind that people are putting their lives and livelihoods at risk by swearing under oath about what they saw.  Such risks do not include being pursued in the legal system if they lie under oath.  Houses have been bombed with large scale fireworks for supporting the narrative of fraud during the election.

Water Main Break

It was widely reported in the media that the counting was halted at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta at around 10 PM on Election Day evening because of a water main break.  This narrative was constructed from a urinal that overflowed.  It was used to give plausibility to the story that ballot counting was stopping.  It was a bald-faced lie.

What really happened was that after almost all workers, poll watchers, media, etc. had departed, a select group of election workers remained and continued ballot tabulation after observers left.  A video has surfaced from a CCTV system documenting what transpired.  A complaint was filed with the Georgia Secretary of State.

Sundance notes:

In a short, albeit obtuse, affidavit filed today in advance of election litigation, Chief Investigator Frances Watson simultaneously highlights the evidence seems to support the claims of fraud and manipulation, but also says it doesn’t.  [pdf link]

According to Frances Watson workers were “not asked to leave” yet simultaneously they thought “they were done for the night and were closing up and ready to leave.”

Where did the workers, poll watchers and media, get that idea to leave and they were finished if they were not “asked to leave”?  Why did they clean up and prepare to exit along with media and poll watchers if they didn’t expect to leave. It doesn’t make sense.

If anything, the actual behavior of the workers outlined in the affidavit supports the claims within the complaint, and the CCTV video.  However, the “chief investigator” simply ignores the key part of the behavior and instead says the investigation “remains open.”

Yaacov Apelbaum notes:

“The video shows a four camera FOV of suite 604, the ballot processing room at the State Farm Arena. At 10:58:05 p.m., as the crew was finishing cleaning-up at the end of the day, one of the supervisors, Ralph Jones (a bald man in a red shirt) received several calls on his cell phone.

Shortly after his second call, the footage shows him and another woman with black hair and blond braids (Shaye Moss) removing 4 rolling transport ballot boxes from under a black cloth covered table at the center of the room. At 11:02:52 p.m., they distribute the ballot trays from the boxes between 4 work stations.

The ‘special’ count task force that consists of 5 individuals then starts feeding the ballots to the 4 scanners. The counting continued for close to two hours and ended at about 12:58 a.m.

The footage shows multiple evidence that the ‘special’ count session was pre-planned and carefully timed, it’s also clear that in the 116 minute period the team sprinted through the ballot scanning process to meet some sort of a deadline.” (read more)


The vote counters WERE told to go home, so the criminals could do their crime unwatched. A real investigator would no doubt be able to tell us that their crime coincided with a massive, illegitimate spike in “votes” for Biden that reversed the course of the election.


Arizona’s top court has consented to review an appeal connected to the state Republican Party chair’s challenge of Arizona’s election result certification.  The state Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward lodged a notice of appeal on Friday subsequent to Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Steven Warner dismissing the suit.

The case centered tens of thousands of duplicate ballots.  A preliminary review that had been ordered by the local court had revealed “errors” in the handling of those ballots.

In a video posted on Monday, Ward said “we are asking to look at the 28,000 duplicated ballots that are in Maricopa County alone as well as all of the digitally adjudicated ballots. Now, if you look statewide, because we’d love to look at those as well, there are well over 100,000 ballots that could be affected and that is more than enough to swing this election.”

Please note the statement about affecting the outcome of the election.  Some judges have been hiding behind the idea that, “yes, there’s been some fraud, but it’s not enough to affect the outcome.”  This ignores the cumulative effect of differing amounts of fraud in a variety of locations.

Michigan…Antrim County

At 5:30 PM on Friday, December 4, 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer granted permission to William Bailey and his team of IT experts to conduct a forensic study of the 16 Dominion voting machines, tabulators, thumb drives, related software, and the Clerk’s “master tabulator.” In his court order, Bailey was also granted the ability to conduct an independent investigation of the images they obtained in their examination.

Despite numerous obstacles placed in their path including attempted doxing of the forensic team, The investigators obtained the necessary information and a report is expected sometime of Tuesday.

Keep in mind, to ensure the safety of the investigative team, two Antrim County sheriff vehicles were needed to escort the team to the airport for their flight home.  If there is “no evidence of fraud,” why was this necessary?

This does not even skim the surface of the amounts of evidence piling up across the country.  America cannot live with itself if it stands around and lets an arch-criminal, and a criminal political party, take the Presidency of the United States. These people are openly raping America.  They are daring the people to stop them.  They are laughing at everyday Americans just as they did when they pulled the wool over the eyes of Americans with Obamacare.  It is time to wake up the sheeple in the country to this fact.  We must overcome the media’s attempts to suppress the information from coming out.

I believe that President Trump has a plan to ensnare the traitors. Before the election, I believe he knew everything in depth about what was going to happen including who and most of the details.  I believe that part of his strategy has been to identify  who is part of the Uniparty.  Their actions (or lack thereof) now is how you will know them.  It is difficult for me to believe that he does not have a plan right now.  We who sit in the cheap seats just do not know what that plan is.  That can be very frustrating.

PDJT, like all great presidents/leaders, will finish the job he started and drain the criminal swamp (traitors), stop foreign interference and save our Constitutional Republic.  Perhaps we will begin to see more of the plan on Tuesday since this is the supposed “Safe Harbor” day for selecting presidential electors.