Truth Is A Menace

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The most dangerous thing that any totalitarian regime fears is the truth.  In America today anyone who dares to speak out against the new regime, who dares to espouse a different worldview, becomes a target.  They must be silenced.

Stop The Steal is one such movement.  It is not just PDJT and his 100+ million supporters of American freedom and liberty who can be problematic for the globalists who wish to rule the world.  It is anyone whose voice does not rise up in harmony with them.

Everyone knows that Twitter has deleted PDJT’s account with his millions of followers.  Twitter used the excuse that Twitter was “protecting” the country by silencing the voice of its President.  They also shut down the POTUS account at least until China Joe can take it over.  They have also silenced Sidney Powell, General Flynn and thousands of others.

This has caused concern among the leaders of other countries who do not want American corporations deciding who should be allowed to speak and who should not.  With the tyranny that is rising up in America, they recognize that they are vulnerable to the same kind of censorship by companies like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Recently Facebook banned the #WalkAway group.  #WalkAway was a group of hundreds of thousands of people who had decided to walk away from the Democratic Party.  It was one of the most positive, optimistic movements in the political sphere.  This action is beyond insane.  But it is consistent with the idea that one cannot allow people with different ideas to have a public voice.

Brandon Straka, founder of the movement, tweeted on Friday,

“FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!!  Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE.  Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.”

It is not just Facebook who is doing this.  The #WalkAway campaign was booted off of Mailchimp and Constant Contact email services.  Big Tech is going after any voice that does not kowtow to their globalist agenda.  Hundreds of thousands of people have been silenced within this group alone.  Conservative voices are being banned from all forms of digital communication.

The problem with the #WalkAway movement is that it is a true grassroots movement.  The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.

Welcome to Joe Biden’s America where any voice that disagrees with the Demo-communists plan for this country must be silenced.

These kinds of actions being taken by Big Tech reveal more and more of the sinister plot to take away American freedoms.  This is the logical conclusion of months of lockdowns under the guise of “protecting the public.”  Freedom to exercise one’s religion was denied by governmental decree.  The freedom to associate with as few or as many people as one wished was forbidden.

There are now calls to put Trump supporters who attended the Stop The Steal rally last week on a No Fly List.  They are being painted as domestic terrorists and insurrectionists because they stood up to an obviously corrupt election.  Their voices must be silenced by any means necessary.  The East German Stasi never had the power that the Big Tech companies have today.

Now the freedom to speak one’s mind is being cancelled.

On Monday Facebook decided to target Dr. Ron Paul.  Dr. Paul is a former member of the House as well as the father of current Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.  Dr. Paul believed in small government.

This is beyond frightening to any American who loves their country.  It certainly appears that they want to cancel anyone who might upset the proverbial apple cart.

As Sundance notes,

The totalitarian enterprises are global in scale.  As many have noted, this will not stop with just targeting President Trump and his supporters.  Big Tech is now advancing against all voices they deem adverse to their ideological agenda.   Big Tech has put themselves above our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  This is only the beginning.

We can well expect to see this approach metastasize quickly and spread to other nations (Brazil, Poland, Hungary) where nationalist and populist movements are visible.

Extreme control is a reaction to fear.  The globalists, writ large, are fearful of the population.  We are at that inflection point.

Sundance’s website, The Last Refuge with its 250,000 subscribers, was targeted by Big Tech back in November.  They violated some “terms of service’ (never identified) and the site was de-platformed.  Fortunately for conservative voices, enough technical expertise existed within the community to re-birth the site elsewhere.  And they continue to be a voice “crying out in the desert” for the America we all used to know.

What’s next?

The possibilities are endless.  Denial of medical care to those who disagree with the government.  Most medical care is government-run.

Denial of driver licenses if you happen to displease the state.  The inability to obtain a credit card or bank account because you are deemed a subversive risk.

A social credit system where any action or speech the government does not like will result in putting one into a disfavored position.

Passage of laws defining that support of movements like MAGA are “domestic terrorism” activities.  There are rumors circulating on Capitol Hill that the Democrats are talking about such legislation right now.

Controlling what language is used.  Already Facebook is blocking any post that uses the words “Stop The Steal.”  This is Orwellian in nature.  1984 has arrived.

Lawmakers who resist will be censured or worse.  Senior Democrats are planning to censure Republican Reps. Louis Gohmert of Texas and Mo Brooks of Alabama for supporting President Trump.  Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., is said to be the target of a censure resolution in the House.

The twit, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, called for the expulsion of Sens. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and perhaps others for signing on to objections at the joint session.

This has to be resisted at all costs.  We are the boys on the beach in Normandy on D-Day.  We are Washington’s soldiers in Valley Forge in 1776.  We are the bulwark against the evil infesting this nation.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.