The Clown Show

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Tuesday is the beginning of the Washington elites’ third bite at the apple of impeachment.  Yes, that’s right.  This is the third attempt to remove PDJT from office via the impeachment route.  What’s that you say?  PDJT is no longer in office so how can they impeach him?  In the circus that is Washington, anything is possible.  When you have a Speaker of the House who has an all-consuming hatred of PDJT, all it takes is a little pixie dust, a healthy dose of insanity and a new Army of the Potomac to protect you from everyday Americans.

Some might be questioning the reference to the third attempt to impeach.  Let’s review the timeline.

The first attempt never actually made it inside the circus tent that is the House of Representatives.  It began as soon as PDJT was inaugurated.  The Washington Post ran a headline 19 MINUTES AFTER PDJT WAS INAUGURATED.  It said, “The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

That was back in the olden days when evidence was actually needed to go after an elected official.  The Special Counsel spent $30+ million and came up with zilch, nada, nothing.

The impeachment did not happen due to a lack of trying.  They had a dozen and half rabid, Democratic attorneys and several dozen equally rabid FBI agents who left no stone unturned in their attempt to find something, anything they could use to indict the President.  In the end they were resorting to “novel” interpretations of the obstruction of justice statutes.  In other words they were making it up as they went along.

Make no mistake about this.  If they could have found some arcane statute that they could have built a case around, they would have.

Next up was the Ukraine sideshow.  The Democrats, led by the shiftless Adam Schiff, conducted star chamber proceedings in secret in the Capitol basement.  They were trying to pin a “quid pro quo” charge on PDJT.

Of course, the real “quid pro quo” champ is our pretend President.  We know from his own lips that Joe Biden ordered the firing of the prosecutor investigating Burisma.  The blackmail amount was $1 billion.  Burisma is allegedly one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine.  Burisma is where Biden’s son had been hired at more than $80K per month as an apparent no-show board member.

This was clearly an impeachable offense by the then Vice President.  The fact that he is not currently VP shouldn’t matter since apparently it doesn’t matter that Trump is a private citizen now.

It is interesting that the Democrats chose a conversation with the Ukrainian President to go after PDJT.  Sundance over at CTH is rather direct about how the Ukraine became the center of a money laundering operation.  It is little wonder that Marie Yavonovitch was “miffed” at being recalled to Washington.

As Sundance noted, there is even a term used for these operations.  It is called “Ukraine affluence.”  But I guess beggars cannot be choosers.  The Democrats thought they had a shot and were actually able to get a vote on the House floor.  This was not about “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  It was about overthrowing the government of the United States.

The attempt failed in the Senate.  But again, it was not for a lack of trying.  In the main ring of the US Senate, all Democratic Senators voted to convict.  They did so despite there being no evidence supporting the charges.  It was a big circus show for the public.  They were backed in this by the carnival barkers in the media.  The Democrats were demonstrating for all America to see that they had no respect for the rule of law or our Constitution.  Impeachment was just a tool they were using to try to stop the legitimate efforts by PDJT to improve the lives of all Americans.

Having failed twice at executing a coup, the Uniparty resorted to election fraud as their preferred means to overthrow the government of the United States.  In this they were successful.  However, once again they badly misjudged the people of the country.  Too many voted for PDJT.  In fact, PDJT got the largest vote count for President in the history of the country.

This upset the routines that had been put in place to rig the election.  In multiple “swing states” they had to stop the ballot count.  This allowed for the resetting of algorithms and the shipping in of ballots to throw the election for Beijing Biden.

Eventually legal appeals were insufficient to stop the fraud that occurred.  No evidentiary cases were found wanting.  In fact, in cases where evidence was actually presented, PDJT prevailed in 2/3 of the cases.  Almost all denials were procedural in nature (too early, too late, no standing, etc.).

One would think that having won through fraud the political elites would be happy to retire quietly and savor their win.  Not so.

After the incursion into the Capitol building on January 6th, the hatred that Speaker Pelosi has toward PDJT boiled over.  This led directly to another attempt to impeach PDJT.  That trial begins in the main ring, the Senate, today.

Anyone who has followed the proceedings closely knows that the charges are without merit.  PDJT never incited the crowd at the “Save America Rally.”  I know.  I was there.  If you have any doubts, read the transcripts or listen to his speech.

Anyone who has followed the events of the last four years knows that PDJT stays inside the law when it comes to acting on behalf of the American people.  If a court stopped some action of the government, he moved to meet the court’s requirements.  If he was unable to satisfy the courts, he moved on to other activities.

This impeachment is all political theatre.  The Uniparty has an abject fear of PDJT.  They are afraid that their feeding at the public trough will be exposed for all to see.  They are all in on cancelling the man.  They seem to think that with the help of the media clowns, they can succeed.  I believe that the only result from this proceeding will be to make Trump stronger and more visible to all Americans.

Let the clown show begin.

Main clowns

Jamie Raskin…House Judiciary Committee…chief sponsor of legislation to give Congress the authority to declare a President “incapacitated” and removed from office under the 25th Amendment…Obviously does not see the Executive branch as a co-equal partner in the government…Also obviously does not believe in the Constitution

Diane DeGette…former member of the Colorado circus who supports killing unborn children

David Cicilline…House Judiciary Committee…ran for Congress when his approval rating as mayor dropped to 28%

Joaquin Castro…a Texas Democrat who pretends to represent Hispanics just as Biden pretends to be President

Eric Swalwell…House Intelligence Committee…intimately involved with the Chinese circus

Ted Lieu…House Judiciary Committee…His claim to fame from 2017…”Our 11 year old just asked me if President Trump was part Russian. That would be really funny if it wasn’t so really scary.”  Where does California find clowns like this?

Stacey Plaskett…House Ways & Means…represents the Virgin Islands

Madeleine Dean…House Judiciary Committee…gets the award for the most ridiculous statement during the impeachment debate…”Removing Donald Trump is the beginning of restoring decency and democracy”

Joe Neguse…House Judiciary Committee…has a background in the law…probably the most useless qualification for this effort which is all show and no substance

All of these people are likely to go down in history as hopeless Pelosi sycophants looking to feather their own nests.  For those who are history buffs, Pelosi’s stooges are akin to those stooges of Oliver Cromwell who tried King Charles I in England in 1649.  The parallels are striking to what is going on today.  More on that tomorrow.