Democrats Are Killing The Economy

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This administration is killing jobs and exporting American jobs to other countries.  The Democrats are anti-American and are evil, racist and corrupt.  They do not care about Americans.  They only care about power and money.

Ford announced this week that it plans to move a major project from its Avon Lake plant in northeast Ohio to Mexico. Ford thus reneged a promise made during the Trump administration to invest $900 million in the new project to build an electric vehicle there.  The original agreement called for a complete revitalization of the Avon Lake facility.

Unfortunately, this was entirely predictable.  The Harris-Biden administration owes the big multinationals too much.  And these companies are once again in control over what happens to the US economy.

It is a simple matter of economics.  It is far cheaper to make these vehicles in Mexico (labor, environmental regulation, energy costs, etc.) if the provisions of USMCA will not be enforced.  The big multinationals are confident that the current avatar in the White House (and whoever is pulling his strings) will not enforce USMCA against US multinationals.

So, who loses?  Not the fat cats in the executive suites of the big companies.  Not the leaders of the UAW who are supposed to stand for the UAW membership.  They are just interested in lining their own pockets.

The UAW started out as a legitimate organ for worker representation.   Now it is cancerous to workers’ interests.  Corruption in the big unions has been well known for decades.   Every union member should learn the truth for themselves and not become dupes of their corrupt leadership.  The Democratic Party is the party of big business and the UAW leadership is in bed with them.

It is the American worker who loses.  And it is not just the workers at that plant.  For each person in an auto plant, there are between 5-10 other “skilled labor” people working for another company pumping materials, parts and/or services to that assembler. Skilled laborers are the foundation of the middle class in any nation.

The left want an America with part time, low-paying jobs. Permanent, good-paying jobs make a person independent of government welfare. The Democratic left doesn’t like that philosophy. It undercuts their ability to control people.  Dependency is their aim.

The politicians and Wall Street are sticking it to the American worker again.  One can only hope that this continues to increase anger and frustration at those who only think of themselves and how they can increase their own power and wealth.

When President Trump was in office, factory jobs moved into America and illegal aliens were deported.  The Democrats are doing the exact opposite.  All of this is happening due the unprecedented election fraud of last November.

This is also a national security threat.  Anything relative to high capacity manufacturing should be done in the US along with the supply chain companies. In time of war, we need those industries to be able to ramp up. Think about the recent efforts during the pandemic for good examples of this.

Corruption touches every aspect of this country at this point in time. I doubt that we can vote ourselves out of this mess. I hope I am wrong, but I am not holding my breath. People have to become more involved and more informed.  They need to call out the evil, corrupt and racist people who run our government.  They need to expose the horrific evil of the current administration to sunlight.