Full On Hitler

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The occupant of the White House is now threatening the unvaccinated.  This is the same tactic Hitler used against the Jews in Germany that led to the Holocaust.  Australia has already implemented house arrest in some sections of that country for those who are not vaccinated.  How long before that becomes the order of the day here?


According to the Avatar in the White House, some 200 million people have gotten the jab.  Daily cases are now 300% higher than they were a year ago.  Of course, a year ago, ZERO people had been vaccinated.  The administration makes no attempt to explain this and will not take questions about this.

The vaccines created Delta.  Continuing to vaccinate in the middle of an outbreak will continue to create new mutations that will escape the vaccines.  This is the opinion of almost all experts in the field of virus study.  Why should we continue to create new strains of the virus?  Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

The occupant of the White House said that the vaccines are free, safe and effective.  None of that is true.  The vaccines do not protect one from getting the virus.  In Israel, one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, the effectiveness at preventing infection is below 40%.  That’s worse than the flu shot.

The evil that inhabits the White House still refuse to disseminate information about cheap effective treatments.  Vietnam is one country that demonstrates the effectiveness of a cheap treatment protocol.  Chloroquine was the drug of choice and Vietnamese pharmacies were swamped with purchases in March and the Ministry of Health soon began the process of registering a trial for chloroquine (CQ)

Vietnam was very effective at treating the disease.  In March, 2021, Vietnam began a vaccination campaign.  I wonder who convinced them to change course from a protocol that was very successful.

Mathew Crawford notes:

For more than two months into the vaccination campaign, Vietnam still reported no new COVID-19 fatalities. Then the situation began to change—slowly at first, and only recently looking to begin to peak at over 200,000 active cases. In the nation that had recorded just 35 COVID-19 deaths prior to May 15, 2021, the death toll currently stands at over 10,000 and will likely head toward 20,000 by the end of September, assuming the situation doesn’t worsen.

When one compares the cumulative deaths against the cumulative number of jabs administered, there is a strong correlation.

And a couple of months into the vaccination campaign, a new variant emerged just as predicted by the real experts.

The only way that use of the word safe would fly would be if we all had entered into George Orwell’s 1984 world where words meant the opposite of their usual meaning.  Vietnam is just one story about the efficacy of the vaccines.  The government’s own voluntary reporting system (VAERS) contains thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious adverse side effects.  Why are no autopsies being done on those who have died from the vaccine?

On Thursday the President of the United States announced that he is a dictator.  He has said that “our patience is wearing thin.”  That is clearly a threat.  He will say and do anything to get people to comply.

My response is simple:  Do not comply.  Do not think that if you are vaccinated, that they will not come for you at some point.

Resistance is NOT futile.

You are not alone.

Do not cave into them.

You can make a profound difference.


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