Let’s Go Brandon!

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The elitist politicians up north are getting their panties all twisted up.  Apparently the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” has driven fear deep into their heads.  One cannot have anyone disrespecting those who are in power above them.

PM Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government have taken to outlawing the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” from any correspondence or messaging either internally or for public consumption.  Just what are they afraid of?

Please note that the threat is so dire that any individual caught doing this will face immediate termination from employment.  Also note that any variation of this phrase is also forbidden.  I guess “Lesko Brandon Was Here” is also covered by this edict.  I wonder if “Orange Man Bad” would also be covered by this. How about “Let’s Go Justin?”  Just asking for a friend.

Are abbreviations included?  LGB is the start of a popular abbreviation here.  How about LGBT (Let’s Go Brandon Taboo”)?

Would this cover playing a hip hop tune that has risen to the top of the iTunes play list?  If I were gender fluid, could my pronouns be LGB or FJB?

Of course, it is probable that this is a fake.  However, the fact that many people could see it as possibly real says something in and of itself.

Virginia Tech is trying to ban the FJB chant at home football games.  I guess the academicians running the show there believe that one is not allowed to criticize our Dear Leader.

There is an obvious point here.  Ridicule is a powerful weapon. The president of the United States, and by proxy, other world elites are being ridiculed. They are not respected and they are bitter about it.  I would tell them, “Too bad.  Suck it up”