Conversations Among Doctors

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The following is part of an article written by a doctor whose name has been changed to protect him from reprisals.

We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.  The reasons are multiple.  First, it was the easy way out.  Second, many of us are employed and fear reprisal.  Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.

As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses.  They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.

I had conversations with doctors who are supposed experts in virology and immunology denying the lasting immunity of natural infection. 

Conversations about natural immunity:

“I have antibodies.”

“But they will wane.”

“But I have memory cells.”

Dumbfounded look. 

Really, are these the leaders we want?

Other conversations about the safety of vaccines:

“The vaccine is safe.”

“No, we would have shut down any trial in the past after even 100 deaths.”

“This is more serious.”

“But the survival rate is about 99.6%.”

“It’s killing people.”

“So is the vaccine”

“You can’t believe VAERS.”

“It was set up to help protect the public, and if anything, it is underreporting side effects.”

“You’re a conspiracy theorist.”

Or conversations about early treatment

“You must get the vaccine, it is the only “proven” treatment, there are no other treatments.”

“Really, ivermectin has eradicated COVID in India, parts of Mexico, Japan….”

“It is a horse dewormer.”

“It won a Nobel Prize in medicine, is a WHO essential drug, and has been around for decades with a great safety profile.”

“No, only the vaccine works.”

“But it is failing”

  “You are a denier and a conspiracy theorist.”


There is little doubt that what this doctor is saying is true.  Doctors are pretending not to know things.  When they get called out on this, they resort to emotional statements to deflect attention from their own lack of intestinal fortitude.

The halo that many Americans placed over the heads of people in the medical establishment has been severely tarnished if not outright discarded.  Questioning the advice given by elite doctors should be subject to scrutiny to see if it lines up with established scientific knowledge.  One does not have to dig deep to find out that much of what has been pushed on the public is just nonsense.

Physicians need to get back to basics.  Society needs this.  Just as more and more Americans are standing up, so too must doctors.  If they don’t, why would anyone ever listen to them in the future?