Cardiac Arrest

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The news stories continue to mount.  More and more stories appear of young healthy people having a heart attack and succumbing after having been jabbed.  When will real doctors be allowed to speak about this epidemic?

On December 22, Oman international player Mukhaled Al-Raqadiaged 29, tragically died after collapsing during a warm-up ahead of a domestic match with Al-Suwaiq.

Al-Raqadi was rushed to the nearest hospital by ambulance. The reason for his death was a heart attack, Oman observer reported.

On the same day, Egypt’s third division’s Al-Rebat & Al-Anwar SC goalkeeper, Ahmed Amin passed away after suffering a sudden heart attack.

Ahmed Amin suffered cardiac arrest and lost consciousness in the locker room after his training with his team. The club’s medical team tried to revive him unsuccessfully and promptly rushed him to the hospital. He was pronounced dead on arrival and the cause of death was cardiac arrest.


Marin Cacic, a 23-year-old Croatian defender, died in hospital just days after collapsing during a training session. He was immediately rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with heart failure. He was then put in a comatose state. Sadly on December 23rd, he was pronounced dead.

28-year-old Loukar, from Mouloudia Saida, was hurt after running into his goalkeeper mid-way through the first half of their Ligue 2 clash at ASM Oran.

He resumed playing after treatment but then collapsed some 10 minutes later, the agency reported.

Loukar was rushed to hospital but died of a heart attack on his way, APS said. When news of his death was broken to the two teams, they abandoned the match.

Big Medicine will tell you, nothing to see here, move along.  Young, healthy athletes drop dead of heart attacks all the time.

So many young athletes dying of cardiac arrest a short time after having been jabbed.  Is there any investigation into this going on?  What kind of tracking is taking place?  Are autopsies being done?  If not, why not?

The next story is perhaps the most heart-wrenching.

The Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán, Argentina released a report that a three-year-old girl died last December 16

Miriam Suárez said her daughter Ámbar was vaccinated last week on December 15th and passed away a day later from sudden cardiac arrest.

The 3-year-old had received the jab because otherwise she would not have been allowed to go to kindergarten due to a vaccine mandate.

Miriam told Argentine media that her 3-year-old had no symptoms immediately after the jab, but while playing with the neighbor’s kids the next morning, Ámbar fainted and was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Tucumán where she died from cardiac arrest.

The heartbroken mother said:

“I’m sure my daughter was killed by the vaccine. She was a healthy girl, full of life, without any health issues.”

How many more children are going to be killed before this insanity is stopped?