Faucian Reality

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Dr. Fauci went on the Sunday TV circuit to push the vaccine narrative.  And a narrative it is.  Its connection to anything scientific is tenuous at best.  Fauci admitted to the world that there was absolutely no benefit to having a vaccine mandate to board an airliner.  The only benefit was to coerce more people into getting vaccinated.  Let me repeat that.  Dr. Fauci has now come out and admitted that the only benefit of a vaccine mandate to board an airliner is to force more people to get jabbed.  So “trust the science” is just a smokescreen to advance other control mechanisms.

Let’s be reminded that the mRNA therapy does NOT stop infection.  The mRNA therapy does NOT stop the spread of infection.  Let’s also be reminded that Fauci talks about stopping “newly infected” international travelers from entering the US and spreading infection.  This absolutely ignores the idea of breakthrough infections which are occurring with greater and greater regularity.  In fact it appears that some groups of vaccinated individuals are more likely to be infected with Omicron than unvaccinated individuals.  It also ignores the flow of hundreds of thousands of people across our southern border with no checks whatsoever.

Fauci went on to support the new Pfizer oral drug for treating COVID illness.  Where has he been all this time with regard to effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?  He has consistently suppressed info that would have saved countless lives.  Now that there is a drug that is protected by patents, he is all for oral drug treatments to help combat the virus.

Let’s think about this.  They now do not hide what they are doing.  They are using vaccine mandates to create a system for tracking everyone’s movements.  The East German Stasi never had it this good.  In a very real sense “papers please” has become a reality in some areas of our great country for people to participate in normal life.

I spoke with one friend last week who just said “hey, people should just do it if they wanted to get things back to normal.”  He had great difficulty seeing what will happen if everyone just falls down and follows this idea.  It is the end of freedom and liberty in this great country.  It is also stunning to understand that there are millions more like him across the country.

The elite reprobates within the upper echelons of both political parties are evil people.  Mychal Massie notes:

This essentially routine flu – and anything with a 99% full recovery rate is routine in my book – is being weaponized for political gain.

There’s a zeitgeist of abject fear being manufactured by the lapdog mainstream media and political hacks to provide air support for the ground game needed to win the guerrilla war in 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election.

This essentially routine flu – and anything with a 99% full recovery rate is routine in my book – is being weaponized for political gain.

There’s a zeitgeist of abject fear being manufactured by the lapdog mainstream media and political hacks to provide air support for the ground game needed to win the guerrilla war in 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election.

I agree with Massie.  There is a palpable fear among the elite echelons of BOTH parties.  The Democrats sense the tide swinging viciously against them for 2022.  But there are Republicans who are also on the hot seat.  Liz Cheney and Senator Murkowski are just two such individuals.  The reaction to fear are further attempts to control the populace.  And Big Media have been lapdogs in this process

What other things are the vaccine mandates doing?  Massie goes on:

As of right now this flu-hoax is accomplishing two things: 1) dumping boatloads of cash into the pockets of politicians et al. from Big Pharma, and 2) softening the ground to orchestrate the next round of political extortion and ad hominem destruction necessary for Democrats to undermine their adversaries in hopes of retaining the political upper hand or reclaiming it quickly should the anticipated losses be realized.

Thus the need to keep people terrified of their own shadow and in a perpetual state of suspended reality that’s necessary to believe and comply to the unmitigated dog-and-pony show being pedaled as science. The public has embraced Faucian falsity, as if it were, being read from stone tablets he received atop Mount Sinai.

This is America not Joseph Goebbels’ Germany. How did we go from a two-week shutdown to flatten the curve to this? The level of schizophrenic demonicism cannot be overstated. One of things ignored in this menticide is the USNS Comfort, the hospital ship President Trump sent to New York that went 90% unused. Ignored is that the Democrat lapdogs engaged in fearmongering night and day with the exaggerated need for field hospitals across the nation at a cost of $660 million; they went unused. A $21 million field hospital in New York closed after seeing 79 patients.(See: “I Refuse To Poison Myself With Experimental Drug.”)

Joseph R. Lott Jr. and Timothy Craig Allen, M.D., J.D., have published an article, “The U.S. is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths.” Misreporting and fearmongering by the mainstream media et al. should be an indictable offense with the penalty for same being a life sentence in a third-world prison.

The public has been knowingly deceived, first for financial/political gain and now as a cover for political brinkmanship. Democrats and Republicans alike fought President Trump’s efforts to send Obamacare to its grave, because party hacks were prospering financially from it. This corona-hoax is simply part two of a multi-part Kabuki theater, the first part being Obamacare.

I will never bend my knee to these people.  The way forward for a return to the idea of this country is through a united front.  As Sundance has noted:

The only assembly that can defeat the scale of a comprehensively corrupt U.S. government is a united MAGA base.  We are fighting communists!

From zealots to those who passively support the MAGA idea, we must remain firm in our conviction that only true liberty is the way forward.

Do not cave into them!

You are not alone!

You can make a profound difference!
