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On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that OSHA’s emergency rule was considered an egregious overreach of federal authority.  Almost before the opinion had been disseminated, the administration came out and told employers to enforce the mandate anyway.


White House Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki said the Biden administration would “not be deterred” by the Supreme Court decision.  Of course, Psaki lied and said that vaccination would protect the health of workers.  Psaki is saying this while more and more evidence is surfacing that the vaccinated are at greater risk of infection from Omicron than the unvaxxed.  Does this administration ever speak the truth?

The tyrant occupying the Oval Office called on business owners and state lawmakers to “Do the right thing” and circumvent federal law.  The mindless wonder in the White House wants employers to continue to coerce workers to get jabbed.

Hat tip…Gateway Pundit

How has this been received in the business community?  What is the reaction of companies that are struggling to find new hires?  At least one large employer has effectively said, “Let’s go Brandon!”

On Friday, General Electric suspended its vaccine or test requirement for its 174,000 employees.  Will GE be the first of many dominoes to fall?

On another front, it is noted that the administration is compiling a hit list of those who request religious exemptions from the jab.

The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia—a federal independent entity that assists officers in the District of Columbia courts in formulating release recommendations and providing supervision and services to defendants awaiting trial—announced a new records system that will store the names and “personal religious information” of all employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

Why is this list needed?  Why is a very obscure agency being tasked with this effort?  Who ordered the lists to be created?  How does this relate to the privacy of the individuals who will be placed on the list?  None of this has been explained.

The Daily Signal reported:

Had Biden announced, for example, that the Department of Labor intended to adopt this policy, it would be big news. The Federal Register where announcements like this are made would be flooded with comments that the department would have to address.”

That would, of course, delay the policy’s rollout. With the Pretrial Services Agency, Biden likely expected that the policy would land quickly and without a splash. As it is, the notice of a new announcement provides less than 30 days for public comment.

This is an egregious assault on the First Amendment.  It is designed to coerce employees into injecting poison into their bodies.  It is there to silence dissent to the draconian policies of the administration.

The Washington Examiner notes:

“The federal departments of Treasury, the Interior, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, and Transportation, as well as the General Services Administration and the Securities and Exchange Commission, have each published proposed rule-makings to implement ‘systems of records’ tracking their workers’ religious accommodation requests.” 

Does anyone seriously think it will stop there?  This is just another step to discriminate against those who disagree with the Left.  This continues the effort to create a separate class of people in this country.  This is an attempt to return to country to pre-Civil War days where certain people were less valued than others.  In this case, instead of the color of your skin being the determining factor, it will be the color of your vaccine passport.

It is time to just say “No!” to all the nonsense emanating from Washington.