The Most Dangerous Vaccine

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Smallpox is one the worst diseases ever to be visited on the human race.  In the hundred years before it was eradicated, it killed hundreds of millions of people.  The total may have gone as high as half a billion.  There is no known cure and the disease kills more than 30% of the people it infects.

Today smallpox exists only in laboratories.  Around the time that the disease was eradicated from the planet, America stopped giving mandatory smallpox vaccinations.  Why?  The smallpox vaccine effectively immunizes against smallpox.  Wouldn’t it be wise to continue vaccinating to protect against the very small possibility that it could escape from a lab?

Here’s where risk/benefit comes into play.  Before it was wiped from the planet, the benefit was clear.  If vaccinated, you will not get smallpox.  The mortality rate was very high. So, one was being protected from the very real chance of dying and also from being permanently harmed by smallpox.

What was the risk of being vaccinated?  Some people die from it.  Others have serious reactions, some permanent. In 2002 scientists said it’s the most dangerous vaccine known to man.  However, when smallpox roamed the planet such serious reactions were relatively small in number compared to the effects of smallpox.

Back in 2002, Dr. Paul Offit, who is one of the country’s top infectious disease specialists, noted this about the smallpox vaccine.  Offit stated:

“We tend to think of vaccines as being very safe and every effective, which they are. But all the vaccines that we use today are the result of modern technology. That’s not true of the smallpox vaccine. It has a side effect profile that we, we would not accept for vaccines today.  We know if we immunize a million people, that there will be 15 people that will suffer severe, permanent adverse outcomes and one person who may die from the vaccine.”

Offit noted that previous generations had faced serious diseases regularly.  They included diphtheria, polio, smallpox and other diseases that ravaged children.  The vaccines that were developed for these diseases were highly effective.  So, getting vaccinated against them was a given based on the risk/benefit curve.

Offit’s statement about the mortality rate for the smallpox vaccine has been confirmed in other studies.  A 1969 study related that at least one person out of a million who got the vaccine would die.

How does this “most dangerous vaccine” compare to the therapies being touted as vaccines for COVID?  What is the risk/benefit comparison?

Smallpox kills more than 30% of the people it infects (and it was a highly infectious disease).  COVID kills less than 0.3% of those infected.  This means that smallpox was more than 100 times as deadly as COVID in general.  Among children the mortality rate for COVID is effectively zero.  So, there is effectively no benefit to children getting the COVID jab.

What about the risk profiles of the smallpox vaccine vs the mRNA therapies?  According to the studies of the smallpox vaccine, one in a million would die.  Applying that to the whole country, that would mean that some 330 people would die if the whole country was vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine.  How many have died after receiving the mRNA jab?  According to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), some 20,000 died.  If those numbers accurately reflect the real world situation (they don’t), that would mean that the mRNA therapies are 60 times more deadly than the most dangerous vaccine in the year 2002.

When I said the VAERS numbers do not reflect the real world, I was not suggesting that they are inflated.  In fact, it is well known that VAERS probably reports less than 10% of the real world adverse incidents and, in fact, sometimes reports less than 1% of such events.  In my opinion VAERS is designed to be that way.

If we were to use 10% as the benchmark, then the mRNA therapies are more than 600 times more deadly than the “most dangerous vaccine.”  And this says nothing about the serious side effects that do not kill you.

I would say that the smallpox vaccine has lost its title as the most dangerous vaccine ever.

Why is the government recommending a dangerous therapy that could kill people?  Why is this being done over an illness that has a minuscule mortality rate?  Why are these dangerous therapies which even the Pfizer CEO says don’t work being pushed over effective treatment protocols?  Why are children being coerced into getting jabbed when their mortality/disability from COVID is very rare even when afflicted with co-morbidities?