Sundance has written an exceptionally insightful post about the changing landscape on the left. The clip below aligns with the idea that the professional politicians and other elites will try to distance themselves from the results of their labors. Ms. Bari Weiss tried to shift the focus by saying, “It is now a pandemic of the bureaucracy.”
Sundance called them out.
For two years they shoved their intolerant fingers in our faces, destroyed lives and livelihoods, made ridiculous demands in order to sustain their own fear, threatened our children, destroyed the economy, used COVID as an excuse to destroy families and steal an election, attempted to force us to kneel at the altar of their mask wearing and never-ending vaccine crap… and we’re just supposed to what, forgive them?
I am reminded of a Kenny Rogers song called “Coward of the County.” At one point in the song the lyrics go, “But you could have heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and locked the door.” A reckoning was coming in the song. That is what needs to happen here. It is time for a reckoning.
Sundance goes on:
I/We need to see these people destroyed with the heat of a thousand supernovas.
The vulgar lies and verbal filth have been extreme for two years as these ideological parasites utilized their microphones and typeset in a brutal attempt to tear down our nation. We have all been witness.
Anyone trying to convince us this assembly of our union is not tenuous might want to revisit their proximity to reason, because they’re not just out of the city – they’re also out of the same state the ballpark is located in.
There is a real problem in some areas where people only access news through very tightly controlled sources. Think CNN, MSNBC, etc. These people exist in an alternate fantasy land. I personally know couples where one partner is in such an alternate reality. Even when the real world intrudes, they find explanations that fit their preferred narrative.
Regardless, as Sundance says, it is time for a change.
It is time for ‘cold anger‘ to turn hot.
Sorry, forgiveness is for the next generation….
We need to destroy those who carried out this abuse.
Our parents were forced to die alone in isolation while we were forbidden from holding their hand or being with them. Thousands never had the opportunity to say goodbye.
We also know exactly what the covenant of marriage is all about; and it has nothing to do with being forced to stand outside hospitals, screaming in unbearable choking anguish, while our wives and husbands took their last breaths…. ALONE!
You want forgiveness for that?
F-YOU, I do not even remotely possess that capacity.
Now that is not to say that I would not welcome “newly awakened” people to the cause of righteousness. I would be happy to help keep them from falling for the shyster act that bureaucrats were responsible. That’s just BS. All those guilty of planning, leading and driving this catastrophe need to be identified and made to face the truth of their actions.
This was part of a hostile attack on America and what it stands for. We are at war and need to remember that. Forgiveness is something that can come after consequences have been meted out.
More from Sundance:
Actions have consequences. We are not fast to the sentiment of hate; we know the damage that sensibility can create within oneself. However, eventually, reluctantly, decisions are reached.
Those who perpetrated these two years of hell need to be held to account, and unfortunately, this type of accountability is so severe in consequence there can be no quarter provided or terms which might provide even the most remote possibility of a reoccurrence.
It is uncomfortable to accept that our response needs to be of such severity that our children will be witness to a visible anger they did not know their parents were capable of. But witness they must if we are to ensure these vile and intolerant leftist creatures are destroyed forever.
I would rather provide the opportunity for my children to forgive me, than to see them forever living in a hopeless land of totalitarianism where freedom and liberty have been dispatched from their lives. At least in the former their choice is possible.
Losing this war means that the “land of the free and the home of the brave” will be gone.
We’ve been exposed to violence upon us by both paid and volunteer operatives of a corrupt political system.
We literally watched in 2012 as the Democrat party thrice denied God during their convention. The doors to evil enterprise opened by official party proclamation and request.
We notice the liars, even from a great distance – seemingly invisible to the mob.
We know exactly who they are, and why they are doing it. We do not need to stand around discussing it.
We’re clear eyed.
Some say the only answer is to start shooting. I hope that does not happen. What can trigger a backlash against these people that will scorch the very earth they stand on? What will cause cold anger to flash into hot anger? I do not know. It could be an attempt to take our guns. Perhaps some other equally alarming event. Regardless we must begin now taking back all the institutions that have been overrun with Marxists and Communists.
More Sundance:
Deliberate intent and prudence ensure we avoid failure. The course is thoughtful vigilance; it is a strategy devoid of emotion. The professional political media can call us anything they want; it really doesn’t matter…. we’re far beyond the place where labels matter.
Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise. Trust me, the middle of America, and we are not describing a region here, is both SAFE and WISE.
When millionaire football players kneel down rather than honor our fallen soldiers and stand proud of our country, we see that. When the FBI sends more agents to investigate a NASCAR garage door than to defend teenage girls in the act of being raped by an Olympic doctor, we are noticing.
When a school community cannot openly pray, it does not mean the prayerful were absent. When a school board tries to silence the voice of the parents, the kitchen table conversation modifies accordingly.
When a liar and manipulator seem to win an election, the underlying irreconcilable outcomes do not pass without observation. Many Americans, far more than the minority would like to admit, know the difference between truth, lies and political agendas.
I see this every day. More and more people are recognizing the deceptions that have been foisted on the public by lying elite politicians. People are embracing labels like Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables.” And it is happening around the world. See the tweet below from Brisbane.
Skepticisms of government decrees are rising. Dr. Fauci’s credibility is in the toilet. I am sure that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is part of the reason. And Kennedy is a Democrat.
Americans are still tolerant and patient people, the most compassionate and generous people in the history of all mankind, but we are also very purposeful. They could have stopped with us, but they did not. Instead, they came for our children.

Hat Tip…CTH
The bottom line is always the same. Freedom is not free, and it has to be fought for in every generation. Trump broke the stranglehold that the elite had over us long enough for us to catch our breath and realize just how precariously we were situated. We had no idea how close we were to oblivion but we know now. I’m not going back. Millions around the world have also been renewed, invigorated by Trump’s gift of clarity and perspective.
Wars don’t come at our own convenience, they come when they come, but they must be fought regardless. There can be no parole for the people who created the last two years. The harm to society is incalculable (hundreds of billions is low-balling it); the polarization of our culture, the demonization of good people, the possibly unrecoverable erosion of our civil liberties. Without severe justice, we will lose our society for good in the next “pandemic.”
No longer is there room for compromise. THE CONSTITUTION must be preserved at all costs. It is imperative we defund the Federal Government in all areas except National Defense. Vote of no one that does not show by their actions that they agree with you. Listen to that which a person does not what a person says.
The House of Representatives must be fiscally responsible. Without a paycheck The Beaurocrats will have to get a real job or starve.
Finally some one is calling spade a spade.