Masks Equal Sneakers

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Kathy Hochul was not put on the gubernatorial ticket with Cuomo because she would be a competent governor.  She was put there to attract female votes.  Her incompetency continues to be displayed on a regular basis in the great State of New York.  Her latest foray into ridiculous statements supporting mask mandates for children is a shining example of this incompetency.

Sundance notes:

During her press conference today, Governor Hochul was questioned repeatedly about the state mask mandate for kids in school.  After several justifications, she encapsulated her refusal to remove the mask mandate by saying her own kids didn’t like wearing sneakers at first, but they got used to it.  Ergo, New York students will get used to wearing masks.

It is ridiculous to equate wearing a mask in school to wearing sneakers.  People can get used to doing a lot of things that are not good for them.  There is a huge negative impact to kids to have to wear masks all the time.  Hochul appears to be oblivious to this.

One commenter noted:

A group of local parents sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis of contaminants found on the masks after they had been worn. The resulting report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. Although the test is capable of detecting viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, only one virus was found on one mask (alcelaphine herpesvirus 1).

The face masks studied were new or freshly-laundered before wearing and had been worn for 5 to 8 hours, most during in-person schooling by children aged 6 through 11. One was worn by an adult.

Keep in mind these are not masks that have been used for multiple days.  What would be the result in that situation?

Among my acquaintances is at least one individual who contracted a bacterial infection from wearing a mask all the time.  And this person was religious about changing the mask regularly.

There’s been a huge surge in bacterial infections due to the wearing of masks all the time. Unless someone put on a clean mask every 5 minutes, the masks hold bacteria on the face rather than being expelled in the fresh air.

Branch Covidian officials like Hochul along with the people who run our schools and the teachers’ unions are destroying the lives of children.  Yes, I said “destroying.”  As one commenter in Great Britain noted, “They are the most ignorant people in the world.”

This commenter makes important points about communication.   Learning is facilitated by good communication.  Good communication is not possible with a mask on.  Why was the governor maskless at her press conference?  Why is the mindless wonder in the White House maskless when he speaks with the press?  Yet we order the schools to be masked all the time.  Insane!

A Brown University study reported an up to 23% drop in cognitive development since masks everywhere came in the scene.

Please be reminded that there are periods in early childhood where various development skills, both verbal and non-verbal, are acquired quickly.  What will be the long-term effects of slowing such development down through constant masking?

The Democrats have been all about “trust the science.”  The scientific fact is that masks do not stop the spread of the virus.  They do not stop one from getting it.  And they do not stop someone who is infected from giving it to others.

Some people want to excuse these leaders as not understanding the impacts.  To that idiocy, I have two responses.  First, they are imposing these regulations on kids so they should know.  Second, I believe they do understand.  As one wag noted, they are training “a new generation of government owned slaves essentially.’’  This is an attempt to make restrictions feel “normal.”  People are less likely to rebel if that is the case.

These people like Hochul hide behind the idea that kids are resilient.  Now kids are tough.  They do not need to be babied as much as many do.  And most probably need more discipline and parental involvement than they get.

But, as Hrand Tookman notes:

But for the entire public health sphere and all of its adherents to casually dismiss the damage they know they’ve done to kids with “Kids are resilient,” is sick and irresponsible.

“They don’t seem to mind” is another.

And as this concept gets talked about more, and more people accept and acknowledge that it’s over and we’ve been lied to and hurt unnecessarily in so many devastating ways, the “kids are resilient” crowd will find themselves fast looking for another tagline to justify what they did.

Parents need to be regular visitors to school board meetings and to demand the end to mask mandates wherever they may exist.  It is time to free our children from the bondage imposed by wannabee dictators.

For those who still trust the government, the cartoon below may be instructive.