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The latest assault on the English language and many others is the use of the word autocracy.  No one has been more autocratic in their governance than all the western leaders who triggered shutdowns, mandates, forced business closures and ultimately mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.  None of those rules, regulations and mandates connected in any way to COVID came from democratic authorization.  None of them were passed through the legislative process.  Every last one of them came from unilateral fiat and powers grabbed as a result of emergency declarations.

This is the latest tool of true autocrats.  Some call it lawfare.  Declare an emergency and seize whatever power you can under some law designed for a true emergency.  Extend the “emergency” as long as possible so as to condition the public to reduced freedoms.  The eventual desired outcome is for the public to have to jump through hoops to do anything.  The other part of this is never-ending surveillance via government decree (think vaccine passports).

Western leaders who are loath to give up these unilateral powers have taken to calling this situation as representative of “new democratic norms.”  We have heard over and over from these leaders of this being the “new normal.”  In other words, they are unwilling to go back to when legislation and authorization from representative legislative bodies was the norm.

The globalist movement intensifies in these situations since only national leaders need to be corrupted.  Many of these leaders have been trained to accept such autocratic globalism as the wave of the future.  PM Justin Trudeau of Canada is just one example of this.

Nationalistic leaders are a problem for globalism.  Such leaders put the people of their country first as opposed to the multinational corporations.  Multinational corporations benefit from authoritarian regimes, because it makes corruption easier.

Trump was a leader who believed in the people of this country before the multinationals.  This was why he had to go.  This led to describing him as autocratic, dictatorial and much more even though he adhered to the rule of law better than any President in the last few decades.

Such terms are an abuse of the language.  This represented an attempt by the Left to characterize anyone who disagrees with them as autocratic, dictatorial, etc.

Let’s remember that collectively the western alliance destroyed the fabric of democracy during COVID.  Now they want to redefine what democracy is to retain the unilateral power they enjoyed for the last two years.  They want to pretend that how things are now is real democracy in action.

It isn’t.  And We The People need to rise up and take back the power that is ours.  Recently the citizens of Hungary rose up.  They overwhelming re-elected PM Viktor Orban.  This is a huge blow to globalism.  Orban is a patriotic Hungarian nationalist whose campaign themes sounded VERY America-First–which is why the EU and the American Left despise him

“The whole world has seen tonight in Budapest that Christian democratic politics, conservative civic politics and patriotic politics have won. We are telling Europe that this is not the past, this is the future, our common European future,” Orban said.  Orban noted that all the proponents of globalism, the left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire, Big Media had been defeated in this election.

Orban’s victory is being compared to Trump’s victory in 2016 and to the Brexit vote.  To counter this, Orban is now being described as an autocrat, that he enables corruption to flourish in Hungary.  Big Media has been quick to endorse this narrative.  In addition, recently the EU has accused Hungary of “food protectionism.”

Smart governments, especially those nations where the government monitors the food industry, can see these food supply issues coming long before they surfaced.  Sri Lanka is just one recent example showing what can happen when there is not enough food.  The Russia-Ukraine war is only making a bad situation worse.  The smart governments are taking steps to safeguard their domestic food supplies.

A month ago, Hungary banned grain exports.  Hungary is not the only country to take steps to control the exports of food stuffs grown within the country.  Hungary’s ban took effect immediately.  How novel!  A country that would like to see that its people have enough food.  The country had sold about 127,000 tons of soft-wheat abroad so far this season.

Apparently this has angered the apparatchiks who run the EU.  The EU is planning to impose sanctions on Hungary because they elected a candidate that the EU does not approve of.  They will use some hand waving to distract the public from the real reasons but the real reasons are obvious.  Hungary has thumbed its nose at the EU.

Sundance noted:

Does that sound like a European Union embracing democracy or a democratic outcome from a national election?  Of course not, because the European Commission is not based on any bottom-up form of democracy.  The EU is a totalitarian assembly of selected and installed corporate elites who abhor democracy in the same way the multinational corporations abhor competition and free markets.

The EU’s actions (financial sanctions) underscore their attitude to any who oppose them.  Insufferable is the right word for these people.

Perhaps it is time for the EU to disappear.  They certainly are no bastion of freedom and liberty.  How long before they re-define servitude as democracy?