Monthly Archives: April 2022

They Lied, People Died

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Yesterday I stated that the government misled the public regarding the effectiveness of the jabs.  It was deliberate and was done for a multitude of reasons.  Not the least of these was the need in America to create a situation where rampant voter fraud could take place in the 2020 presidential election.  But there were many other countries that followed the same playbook in locking down their citizens.  In all countries the goal was to condition the public to blindly accept the diktats of political leaders.  Dissent was not allowed.

Fifty years ago an intrepid journalist or two would go out and uncover the truth.  Sometimes this led to a Pulitzer Prize.  Today such journalists do not exist.  Sunlight is provided by those intrepid people who go out and mine data on the Internet and then publish their results for anyone to see.

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