Democrats Go Full Nazi

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Does this sound in any way familiar?

A criminal is wrongfully killed, and “peaceful demonstrations,” which are actually violent riots, break out nationwide. The flag of a radical and violent group is placed next to the national flag on government buildings. Out of fear of being canceled and losing business, individuals and corporations succumb to publicly supporting this violent organization. Mandated behavior is compelled upon threat of arrest by the political elite and leadership. Despite objections from parents, schools begin teaching an alternative “history” and embrace prejudice, anti-Semitism, and sexual permissiveness as part of the school curriculum.

A President overreaches and takes on “emergency powers,” which create an authoritarian regime that demands supportive behavior and calls any criticism “disinformation.” A new agency of the government is created to “fight this disinformation”… an agency that even has access to armed personnel. This new agency is led by a fanatic who is arguably delusional in their own self-perception and fully committed to stopping the dissemination of any information that is not part of the authoritarian narrative. And through it all the media is a willing accomplice, even striking against other media outlets that try to present opposing views.

Clearly this sounds an awful lot like the story of America since the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.  It’s not.  Rabbi Michael Barclay started his article over at PJ Media on Saturday with these two paragraphs.

What these paragraphs describe is how the Nazis came into power in Germany almost a hundred years ago.  Horst Wessel was the vessel that Goebbels and Hitler used.  Violent riots were funded and planned with the intention of gaining national power through violence and fear.

The same thing happened here.  Who funded the riots in America?  Who bailed the few rioters that were arrested out of jail?  How many of our political elite were involved in permitting and encouraging this violence?  How many of our politicians and corporations “took a knee” in the face of this violence?

Rabbi Barclay notes:

But the latest actions of the DHS and Biden administration in the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board is an even more frightening step towards the fascism of the Nazis a century ago. It is almost identical in purpose and presentation to Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, which Goebbels originally wanted to call “The Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment”. Its purpose in the Nazi regime was to ensure that all media and education were controlled by the Nazi state, and it had the full support of the Nazi government to enforce its control.

There is nearly no difference between what the Biden administration and Mayorkas are creating and the Nazi agency that was run by Goebbels. The only difference is that Goebbels was an evil genius, and the proposed head of this new agency, Nina Jankowicz, is simply a self serving tool for her masters who has publicly asked the question of “who she has to f*** to be famous and powerful” and posted multiple videos of herself seeking attention. If there’s any comfort to be found here, it may be that she is a failed theater actress without the calculating brilliance of Goebbels.

The communists Democrats want to repeat history.  They want to be the Nazis of the 21st century.  They are trying to take the country down the same path as the Nazis from a hundred years ago.  If successful, that will end freedom and liberty in the world.  They are trying to divide the country.  They label anyone who does not agree with their ideology as a deplorable.  Deplorables fall into the categories of racists, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, Islamophobes, etc.  Eventually they call all of these groups white supremacists.

Let’s remember that the Nazis were not right wingers.  The Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party.  It was Josef Stalin that started the story about the Nazis being right wingers.

What can we do to stop this?  Be able to draw accurate parallels between the Nazis and the current path of the Democratic Party.  Stick to the facts.  Rabbi Barclay’s full article is here.

Do not get bogged down in nuances of disinformation, misinformation and mal-information.  There is only information.  Information is only truths and lies.  God has given each of us a brain to evaluate information that we receive.

Rabbi Barclay’s prayer:

My prayer for all of us is that we have the courage and compassion to stand for what is right, be proactive in making a change for the better, and help others to see the necessity to reclaim the values, practices, and mutual respect this country was founded on.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a difference.
