Baby Killers

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Just how mentally ill are the leaders of the Democratic Party?  Speaking at an event organized by the Democratic National Committee, President Joe Biden pledged Tuesday that his first legislative priority would be to codify a woman’s right to murder her unborn child if Democrats control both the House and Senate next year.

Can you imagine that?  With all the problems facing the country right now from the actions of this illegitimate regime, the first thing they would do next year is to codify into law the right to kill a child.  This is evidence of insanity, of a depraved indifference to human life.

Biden criticized GOP proposals that would protect the unborn child’s right to life.  Biden noted, “If such a bill were to pass in the next several years, I’ll veto it. But we can’t let it pass in the first instance.”

Biden pushed the idea that protecting an unborn baby’s life is an “extremist” position.  However, polls, run by organizations like CBS News and YouGov, acknowledge that only 17 percent of Americans support the type of unlimited, taxpayer-funded abortion through all nine months Biden wants to legalize.

Long ago, Democrats used to argue “It’s a clump of cells, not a human being.” As years went by and technology showed us images from within the womb, the argument then transitioned into “It’s a fetus, not a baby,” followed by, “The baby is not a person until it is born.”  The Democrats know that the child is a human being.

Whoopi Goldberg, a high-profile advocate for killing the unborn child, recently said:

“But wait a minute. But wait a minute. You know what? People get pregnant in all kinds of ways, and people cannot always afford to have THE CHILD (emphasis mine) that they are pregnant with. 

As we see here, Democrats now have no problem saying “the child,” or “the baby.” They have brainwashed themselves about abortion.  They really don’t care anymore that they’re talking about killing inconvenient human beings in the womb.

Whoopi makes this clear:

So explain to me now what you’re going to do, because if you think this is going to stop women from doing it, it’s not. People who are desperate enough to go and get an abortion, there’s a reason they need it. They feel they need it. And it’s, it’s, get out of my vagina!”

Let’s follow Whoopi’s logic a bit.  She refers to the unborn as a child.  She proposes abortion as the solution.  Abortion is the killing of that child.  So, abortion is “child killing.”  Those are Whoopi’s words, not mine.

The Avatar in the White House, supposedly a deeply religious Catholic, is openly campaigning for the right to kill children and against protecting the most vulnerable among us.  Not only that, but many Democrats now support allowing a baby to die after birth if the mother found the baby’s existence “inconvenient.”

No country in the world, and that includes China and North Korea, is as depraved as this.  My question to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Jim Clyburn is this.  “When did life become so cheap and meaningless that you argue for the right to kill a child?”

I am old enough to remember soldiers coming back from the Vietnam War who were labeled as “baby killers.”  Very few of them were ever involved in such an activity but the label was applied anyway.  I think it is time to aggressively apply that label to those elite politicians who really deserve it, who openly support baby killing.