Reflections on Chaos

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Tucker Carlson went to Arizona and delivered a speech to AmFest.  The truth of what he says is striking even if he takes 30 minutes to say it.  In part of Tucker’s unscripted remarks, a discussion about this current moment in the lifecycle of life’s storms and cultural chaos, Carlson noted his need to go silent for a few days and reflect on the bigger picture of our situation.   If you have not seen this speech, I recommend it.

Go to 2:21:46 in the video.

Tucker calls out evil where he sees it.  His discussion against abortion is the strongest stance by a media heavyweight.  However, the thing that struck me the most was Tucker Carlson’s optimism for the future.

I have heard from many that there is little or no hope other than a violent revolution.  Tucker does not give specifics but he does push the idea that we need to believe in a better future.  I agree with him that the night is darkest before the dawn.  Hopefully the dawn is not too far away.