The War On Christianity Continues

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One of the enduring legacies of the Obama administration has been the ongoing war against Christianity in this country.  PDJT had some success in blunting this during his time in office.  However, it has returned with a vengeance since the senile old fool moved into the Oval Office.

One of the aspects of the takeover by communists of any country is to diminish, if not outright ban, religious observances.  Barack Obama was famous for having changed “the free exercise of religion” to “freedom of worship.”  This was a step towards reducing the rights of the American people to freedom of religion.

Any person of faith knows that religious exercise is about a lot more than freedom of worship. It’s about the right to dress according to one’s religious dictates, to preach openly, to evangelize, to engage in the public square.   Language matters when it comes to defining freedoms and limits.  A shift from the free exercise of religion to freedom of worship was an attempt to reduce religious freedom to the physical confines of a church, temple, synagogue or mosque.

If the communists are successful at driving religion out of the public square then the government becomes the arbiter of what is right or wrong, not one’s moral conscience. That is what is at stake here.

People could be excluded from the right to raise their children in their religion.  Religious education could be outlawed.  The right to express religious beliefs in the public square could be made illegal.  Some of this is already occurring in some countries on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

In the words of Tucker Carlson at AmFest, these people want to make themselves gods and that is a very dangerous proposition.

One recent example is a pro-life Catholic nurse practitioner in Virginia who was illegally fired by CVS for refusing to prescribe abortion-inducing drugs.  When she began employment at CVS, the nurse requested a religious exemption from her employer from prescribing contraceptives or dispensing abortion-inducing drugs.

CVS accommodated this request for three-and-a-half years.  But in August 2021, CVS told the nurse they would “no longer accommodate employees with religious convictions against prescribing abortifacients, hormonal contraceptives, and other forms of birth control that can cause abortions.”

A few months later, she was fired for not following policy — just two days after earning a performance-based raise.

This is “blatant religious discrimination” as the Alliance Defending Freedom stated in the suit against CVS.

“Corporations like CVS cannot defy the law by firing professionals who want to work consistently with their faith,” ADF Senior Counsel Denise Harle said in a contends. “”… had a spotless record of caring for patients, yet CVS decided to abruptly fire her, solely because of her religious belief that life begins at conception. Virginia law protects the freedom of everyone to work without fear of being fired for their religious beliefs prohibiting participation in abortion.”

Every point that Harle makes is on target and legally factual and correct.  But, woke corporations do not care. They believe that they are protected from illegal acts such as these because they are woke.  They believe that they are gods and that their employees must bow down to them.

In another example in October, Nevada Democrat Senator Catherine Masto labeled the National Right to Life Committee (NRTL) an “extremist group.”  What is the mission of the NRTL?

The organization said, “National Right to Life does not want babies to die and supports measures to support the lives of mothers and their unborn children.”  According to Masto, this is an extremist position.

Nick Freitas, a Republican state representative from Virginia, tweeted: “NRTL is an extremist group?  OMG.  Were they founded by an unrepentant racist who advocated targeting minority communities with eugenics and abortion!?  Oh wait…that was Planned Parenthood.”

Democrats now attack anything and everything that is part of Christianity.  They seek to undermine the foundations of our country so that they can remake it into am totalitarian one where the government is supreme.

Think about this: Democrats now claim that belief in the right to life and the idea that “all lives matter” are “extremist” positions!  Mind-blowing.  The Declaration of Independence states that we were endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  To believe otherwise as the Democrats claim is demonic.

It would be nice to say that Masto was punished for her views by the voters.  However, just when it appeared that it would be impossible for Masto to overcome Republican Laxalt’s lead in the November election, votes magically appeared to push Masto to re-election.  So the country is stuck with this extremist in Washington for another six years.