Nord Stream Destruction Insight

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More Nord Stream insights.  One observer named Luke notes:

Lots of people claim this was done to get Germany and Europe to buy gas from America. While this is true there is an even more important reason. The neocons wanted to stop Germany and/or Europe countries from being friendly with Russia in order to continue buying their LNG. Not so much for the $ but because it could potentially lead to the fracture of the EU/NATO.

This is truly an evil entity (DC). The entire act (Nordstream) was something I never thought possible by my government of either party 3 years ago. Russia is fighting for their culture, sovereignty, and their very lives. DC is fighting for their ability to maintain its grip over the entire world. It’s not hard to tell who the bad guy is in this conflict.

I found this from May 2022 today. This guy really seems to describe the players involved very well. The Trotskyites migrated to Washington. Everyone’s favorite guy Bill Kristol is a key figure as he is a direct descendant. It’s time to learn who the enemy is if we are to ever win.

We had probably better hurry. The absolute most dangerous conundrum that we are facing is the existential threat to both entities. I mentioned what Russia is up against. The neocons know (because they did it) that the US is absolutely dependent on the hegemony it enjoys. So much production has been shipped out of the country. If the US loses that status a collapse is imminent. These sick bastards know that too. Everything they have will go to hell. I suspect none of the BRICS+ nations will want them around no matter how much gold they have. They’ll simply take it from them the same way they’ve done for so many years.