FBI Attacks Religious Freedom

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FBI Attacks Religious Freedom

According to Kyle Seraphin, a former FBI special agent who’s now blowing the whistle on the agency’s continued attacks on Christians, the FBI’s Richmond office released an ominous document about “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” and their interest in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology.”

This is an attack on Catholicism, plain and simple.  People who believe in the traditional Latin Mass and who reject the findings of the second Vatican Council could find themselves being surveilled by the FBI.

We saw this with the general closing of churches across the country during the pandemic.  Now the government is looking for another way to squelch church attendance.

Perhaps the key identifier that this is a witch hunt is the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center was referred to as a main source for identifying such subversion.  The SPLC states that RTC’s may be the largest such group of antisemites in the country.

One would think that the FBI has a lot more to do.  How about looking into, arresting and prosecuting the people responsible for the more than 100 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers in the country.

Not likely to happen since that would require the FBI to look at “protected” groups of people.

Kyle Seraphin notes:

“Such investigations can easily lead to the same analysis of Radical Traditional Baptists, Radical Traditional Lutherans, and Radical Traditional Evangelicals. The FBI is forbidden from opening cases or publishing products based solely on First Amendment-protected activities. By tolerating the publishing of intelligence products as shoddy as this, they are crossing a line many Americans will find themselves on the wrong side of for the first time in history. This is what a politicalized FBI looks like; it should not be tolerated if Americans expect to enjoy the protections of our Bill of Rights.”

The ultimate goal of Marxists and Communists is to end religion.  They cannot afford to have an organization telling people what is right and what is not unless it is the government.