It’s A Big Deal

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Tucker Carlson was on fire last night during his opening monologue about the potential indictment and arrest of Donald Trump.  Tucker gave an excellent explanation of what should not be happening and why.

Control is a reaction to fear.  The CommunistsDemocrats are petrified about the possibility that Trump will run again. The DC creatures (and that includes a bunch of RINOs) fear Trump like no other person on earth.

As Tucker noted, “It’s a big deal…A very big deal.”

This is lawfare at its worst.  And it is very obvious.  At one point a short while ago, Georgia was going to finally get Trump.  Then the “nutty” leftist on the jury started making the media rounds.  That made the case an obvious sham.  The spotlight faded away.

Now Bragg’s attempt to fulfill his campaign promise is hitting the front pages.  Hundreds of riot control police were being mobilized for the insurrection that was sure to happen.  Maxine Waters came out and called Trump threader on a game of domestic terrorists.  Then Robert Costello, Michael Cohen’s former attorney, testified to the grand jury on Monday.

Now, all of sudden, the media is switching gears back to the Georgia case implying that RICO charges could be in the offing over the 2020 election activity there.  The media seems to believe that most people have forgotten about 2000 Mules that showed a clear case for irregularities in the 2020 election in Georgia and elsewhere.  Why this switch in media coverage?  It couldn’t be that Costello testimony cut the legs out from Bragg’s case?

And, of course, we have the “Special Counsel” waiting in the wings to pounce with some felony investigation that will have been dreamed up during a late-night beerfest.

All of this is pure banana-republic politics.  This is what they do in third world countries when they do not want to deal with ideological opposition.

It is time to pray for our country.

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