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One of the trademark slogans of those on the left is “Tolerance.”  However, the left continually pushes the idea that if one does not agree with them, then one is intolerant.  One is racist, fascist, homophobic, sexist, etc.  There is no room within their universe for anyone who disagrees with their ideology.  There is no room for the free exchange of ideas and opinions.  Examples of this abound.

Most recently, Turning Point USA scheduled time to show a film on the campus of Central Connecticut State University (CCSU).  The name of the film was “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM.”  It was produced by The Daily Wire and narrated by Candace Owens.  The film dealt with the fabrications and lies regarding the death of George Floyd and its resultant fallout.

History professor Jay Bergman, faculty advisor for the group showing the film, related what happened.

Fifteen minutes into the film, before an audience of approximately 50 students and others intrigued by the title of the film and curious about its contents, roughly the same number of students, at least one faculty member and possibly others unaffiliated with the university stormed onto the stage, screaming that the film was “racist” and holding signs proclaiming it “hate speech.” By doing so, they prevented the audience from watching it.

To his credit, Dr. Craig Wright, CCSU’s vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion, implored the protesters to disperse and continue their protest outside. Reluctantly, they did so.

But by beating drums and screaming loudly enough, the protesters made it impossible for the audience inside to hear the movie. Periodically, protesters embedded in the audience screamed slogans and stormed the stage, preventing the movie from being seen.

This is typical leftist behavior.  There is no attempt to engage in debate or the exchange of ideas.  If one does not agree with the leftist viewpoint of the day, one must be cancelled by any means available.  In the eyes of the left such people are a threat and cannot be allowed to participate in normal, civilized society.

These students and whatever faculty joined them, are players straight out the communist playbook.  Their tactics are enthusiastically encouraged by administrators who are happy to see such suppression of free speech.  One only has to look at the Oberlin College incident from years past to understand just how widespread this penchant for denying others their liberty is.  The Oberlin College incident also demonstrated how difficult it is to uproot such evil once it becomes embedded in a campus.

Bergman continued:

What happened at CCSU is not unique. Suppression of opinions students find “offensive” is so pervasive on America’s colleges and universities that according to a recent nationwide poll of 45,000 students conducted by the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression, 61 percent of those polled said they would feel “uncomfortable” expressing an unpopular opinion to fellow students on social media. When asked which opinions should be barred from expression on their campus, 73 percent agreed that speakers calling Black Lives Matter a “hate group” should be prohibited, while 60 percent felt the same concerning the immorality of all abortions. Even worse, only 37 percent of the students polled believe that shouting down a speaker at a university is never acceptable, while 22 percent said there were circumstances in which violence would be justified in silencing a speaker they disagreed with.

The parallels with the Third Reich are stunning.  Historian Richard J. Evans noted that in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.” To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands.

How close are we to that situation today?  Journalists who do not bow down to the leftist dogma have wound up in the hospital.  Just ask Andy Ngo for one example.  How many people died in DC on January 6th at the hands of law enforcement for no discernable reason?  One woman was shot and killed.  Another woman was beaten to death.  No one was called to account.  The officer who shot Ashli Babbitt was never even interviewed about his use of force.

Today’s fascists call themselves “anti-fascists.” Just like the Nazis, they are totalitarian.  They will not allow their opponents to murmur the slightest whisper of dissent. Forcibly suppressing speech with which one disagrees is a quintessentially fascist act.

Contrary to what the left would have one believe, the truth is not hate speech nor is it violence.  We must all stand up and speak the truth about the cesspools that exist on our college campuses.