We Caught Them All

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The Durham Report (316 pages) shows that everything that Trump said about the spying and other activities against the Trump administration was true.  As Sundance has noted:

The bottom line is that everything the Obama justice department, IC and FBI did, to include support from Republicans in congress during the 2016 election and aftermath, was a coup d’état against U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration.  This is the truth of the thing.

The media is exposed to be little more than a propaganda arm of the Democrats and RINOs.  This propaganda was used to distract the public from the criminality that was going on inside the bureaucracy that is our government.  In particular, the media protected the Intelligence Community (IC) from the sunlight that would have exposed their corrupt ways.

Read THE REPORT, all the evidence is there. The truth stands alone, regardless of the discomfort it creates. These people are guilty of sedition, of plotting against the sitting government of the United States.

Under impeachment standards created by our founding fathers, it takes a vote in the House to begin an impeachment investigation. The impeachment investigation then produces a finding which is delivered to Congress and a vote is held.  The report outlining the coup is complete and delivered to congress.  The only thing needed is a vote.

This might make House Speaker Kevin McCarthy very uncomfortable.  The problem is that what you’re dealing with here is every bit a mafia, and it’s throughout all branches of government, including the fourth branch.

Unless an impeachment proceeding is undertaken, all of this is cheap theater.  Unless indictments and arrests are made, it will just be another ho-hum day in Washington.

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld has had enough.  Take a listen:

Greg hits the nail on the head.  Anything, anything at all, was justifiable if the end purpose was to stop Trump.  How long will Gutfeld remain at Fox?

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