Liar On the Run

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Sometimes it seems like the evil elite will win without any significant opposition.  They shut down all discussion that was not in line with their viewpoint about the “vaccine” that was going to save the world.  They caused people to lose their jobs and become outcasts among their friends and acquaintances because they refused the experimental mRNA jab which had never before been approved for human beings.  I can still remember the reactions of some of my siblings that my wife and I had not partaken of the death-and-disability lottery by getting injected with the mRNA poison.

Society thinking on this is shifting.  The elites are losing control of the narrative.  Face diapers have all but disappeared.  Now Dr. Peter Hotez, one of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s biggest fans, appears to be on the run after he challenged RFK, Jr.’s interview with Joe Rogan.

Dr. Tom Woods reports:

The bad guys may seem to hold all the cards, but they fear us more than we realize — and that isn’t wishful thinking on my part.

Take this weekend’s confrontation between Joe Rogan and Dr. Peter Hotez (who, if we lived in a normal society, would be branded a source of health misinformation for his consistently false — but authoritatively delivered — statements about Covid and vaccines).

As many of you know, Rogan interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., just days ago, and a portion of the characteristically lengthy interview involved vaccines. RFK Jr. explained his position and answered Rogan’s questions.

Well, Dr. Peter Hotez wasn’t happy about this at all.

On Twitter he made clear how unhappy he was that Spotify wasn’t even trying to control Rogan’s “misinformation” anymore, and that this was terrible.

Rogan appears to be done with b.s. like this, so he immediately confronted Hotez publicly:

“Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr. is saying is ‘misinformation’ I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit.”

That isn’t what Hotez wants, obviously.

He replied: “Joe, you have my cell, my email, I’m always willing to speak with you.”

First sign he wouldn’t debate.

Meanwhile, Joe’s offer of $100,000 to charity began to multiply, with other people adding large sums to the total — as of this writing it’s now at over $2.6 million.

Joe came back with:

“This is a non answer. I challenged you publicly because you publicly quote tweeted and agreed with that dogsh** vice article. If you’re really serious about what you stand for, you now have a massive opportunity for a debate that will reach the largest audience a discussion like this has ever had. If you think someone else is better qualified, suggest that person.”

Hotez responded, again obviously not wanting to debate, with this: “I’m happy to come on and clear the air. I respect you and your show. I don’t want an adversarial relationship.  I think we can work well together.”

By the way, this is the same creep who, just weeks earlier, had written about his concern about Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson — “then fold in Rogan and RFK Jr. and it becomes a pretty formidable coalition with neofascist leanings.”

That’s what he says when he thinks Rogan isn’t looking, but when speaking to Rogan he’s all sunshine and sweetness.

Hotez is working out of the standard playbook for deceiving the public.  These people are totalitarians who do not want to be challenged on anything.  They consider themselves to be above the common people and to know the common people’s needs whether the common people know it or not.

They will smear and attempt to cancel anyone who challenges them publicly.  This is why they are after Trump.  Trump represents a focal point for people needing a return to a constitutional republic where many voices of different caliber and range can be heard.

Well, Rogan dug up that Tweet and said, “Are you sure I’m not a part of a coalition with neofascist leanings? Seems like that’s what you really think, or what you’re projecting to the masses.”

Hotez said he’d be willing to have a “discussion” about vaccines; Rogan then explained to his followers: “To those misunderstanding what he’s saying, he’s NOT agreeing to debate RFK Jr. He’s just offering to come on my show by himself.”

After all this, the Hotez Twitter feed became nonstop retweeting by Hotez of people telling him how great he is and that since he is The Expert he shouldn’t have to debate anyone — especially people with unapproved views.

It’s the old “I can’t debate a ‘conspiracy theorist’ because I’d dignify his position” argument, which is rapidly losing whatever effectiveness it once had.

Of course, here’s the problem with that approach.  To adopt such a position removes legitimate debate from the playing field.  Is there only one approach to the solution of a problem?  How does free and open debate threaten the very existence of humanity as so many on the Left are alleging?

Rogan goes on:

Pete, concern about vaccines is already out there. If you think that’s a problem, and you think a public debate would actually make the situation worse, what exactly does that say about your position?

Glenn Greenwald put it this way: “The demands from establishment liberals that Peter Hotez not debate RFK — despite his polling at 20% among Dems for president — is status: The only thing these people have left is their establishment status. By definition, anyone who dissents is inferior, not worth hearing.”

Hotez believes vaccine “misinformation” has cost untold lives. Here is his chance, then, to speak to tens of millions of people, and expose one of his greatest adversaries as a charlatan — and he runs away.

If you look into Hotez, he was a source of nonstop propaganda during the Covid fiasco, managing to wind up wrong in every particular I can see.

And to watch him pivot from “you’re fully vaccinated with two doses” to “I’ve always said this was a three-dose vaccine” (even though we heard him with our own ears say something different), to “the third dose isn’t holding up so we need a booster” to “I don’t think we’ll need regular boosters” to “we need an annual booster” to “maybe every few months” is truly breathtaking — especially given the authoritative tone in which he delivered his various statements. He was certain of things he couldn’t possibly have known.

The tide is turning.  Some semblance of a return to normality may be reachable in the future.  This means that we need to continue to challenge the “Voices of Authority” whenever they choose to try to turn us into sheep.  People like Dr. Peter Hotez need to understand that spouting lies will get them attention they do not crave.  It is time to challenge charlatans who would like to rule the world.

Do not cave into them!

You are not alone!

You are making a profound difference!
